… Something inside, told me something was wrong, but I couldn’t give myself to imagine the horrible possibility of an assassination. After all, a kid only 14 years old from New Jersey would never dream of his number one role model being taken away from him. That night though, became the greatest event in my life… but let go back to the beginning like all good stories should.
My name is Leo L. Lexing, son to the great scientist of our century… Lenard J. Lexing. As most would probably know, my father is the head of a wealthy and powerful weapons and genetic enhancements manufacturer. His contributions to science go to the government who use it for the gory atomic war we are in. If it weren’t for my dad’s inventions, none of us would still be living in good old 5075. For those who need to brush up on their history, from 1955 to 5001 China and the US were two major teams in the science front. There was no competition then, until we used the last of our worlds’ oil and China used up all of their trees. As a result China needed America to fork over hydroponic genetics plans and America needed Chinas’ ability to “harvest” large amounts of Nova energy from light rays (in short… a really big solar panel and a garden were needed to be traded).
Both sides’ government officials wanted to make a profit off the other. Long story short no one could settle a price, the US reminded them of their debt us from helping them in a previous war, and China broke ties with America! Now both sides of the world are split in half by a large boundary line, and both sides bomb one another. Thanks to my father’s invention of the Holo Sphere, the entire Independence Boundary (USA’s half) is completely protected by a wall of energy.
China’s Boarder, Swords of Democracy (民主剑) is protected by the worlds’ biggest energy field! It covers of 4million square feet (all of their borders) and can withstand a solar flare. Under their command is General Loa Fang. He is a brilliant tactician. As for us, we are under the command of President David E. Lee. With our advancements in science, we have the upper hand slightly.
But enough about the world… this is about me! All my life I was fascinated by technology. How it works, what it can do… everything! One day though, I was looking for my dad. His secretary informed me he was in the lab. I decided to go against my normal train of thought, and go down to see him (since I usually don’t get to visit him while he’s working). I took the Bullet Elevator down to the lab. When I got there I noticed something was wrong right away, for my father’s lab was lost in a heep of papers and parts! My dad always kept everything neat at work. Some tables were flipped over, and there were blood stains all over the place… signs of a struggle! That’s when I saw him, lying on the floor. I raced over to him. His pulse was low, breathing was heavy… I feared the worst. My father somewhat smiled up at me. “I had a hard day at work… guy dressed in black, surprised me… wanted my newest project…” As he said this I sat him in a swivel chair and he pulled out his projector controller. “Type in… Project 1X1.” I did so and saw his lab demonstrator flip on, with its glowing blue projection of a metal suite. “It’s my latest invention… can absorb radiation particles… and use them as an energy source.” As he explained, the suite showed its individual abilities. The weapon itself was incredible. Its flight speed was over the sound barrier, Its titanium-lead alloy kept it from being easily damaged, and it’s most powerful weapon was that of a Radiation Particle Ray, able to destroy the most powerful of the Chinese technology. “Why are you showing me this?” I asked him. “You know very well… that I can’t survive this kind of damage. After I pass… you must take up the family business… as well as the suite! The fate of the world is in your hands…” As he finished, he gasped his final breath… and was dead. We buried him out at the New Jersey Folsom Yard, next to my grandparents.
As for me, I had a billion dollar empire at my will… and I would use this power to avenge my father and end this war once and for all! I went to work on my own investigation of my father’s death. I got in touch with President Lee, pleading to be involved with the Brotherhood of Spies, an organization used to train soldiers, and infiltrate China. As I trained, I worked on the suite… adding more and more to help me for when I would strike.
Finally, after seven years of simulations, training, and strict workouts I was given an assignment. I was to be sent to the Chinese border, where I and three other agents would infiltrate the “Nova Wall.” Then we’d meet up with the undercover agent in Shanghai.
12:00 p.m. June 25, 5001… My team and I were on the outside of the Chinese Nova Wall. I decided that I would infiltrate the nearby Energy Tower, and detonate an EMP in the engine room… thus surging the transmitters long enough to pass over to Shanghai. With my matte black tech suite gleaming in the moon light, I used the verbal command for my suite. My group stared in amazement as I slowly started to hover (as a result of the flight booster on automatic). I set the jets into over drive with the command pad on the wrist of my gauntlet, and flew off. It was easy, overcoming the dim witted guards with my apathy gas. I burst through the glass security doors, and entered the engine room, setting the EMP for 25 seconds. As I threw it into the plasma core I smirked under my crimson, full face visor. “Now my vengeance begins.” I flew out with ten seconds to spare, and immediately got my group safely to Shanghai. We quickly went to the preset coordinates on our locators. All there was around us was some bamboo on a quiet hill side overlooking the city of Nanjing. Suddenly the ground beneath us slowly started to sink down into a large metal room underneath.
As we elevated down, we saw the owner was also a scientist (parts all over the place, papers scattered about). We saw a welder masked figure, binding together an odd ring contraption. “Are you the undercover agent we’re looking for?” I asked the masked stranger. The figure looked up and put down the welder, and took off the mask, revealing the face of a beautiful girl of 18. She was native to the area, and dressed in a white lab coat. Her facial expression was soft, with blue eyes peering through long, black, silky hair.
“Are you the Americans that have come to end our years of suffering?” she asked back with a strong tone. “Yeah, we were told Dr. Lang Chu could provide us with some shelter for the night and safe passage to General Loa Fang’s base of operations in…” “Wulumuqi. A dangerous trek though, but with my invention you can get to the front door of Wulumuqi.”
That night, I had a horrible nightmare. “Don’t go… must dodge… can’t fly… falling… look at that… old man! Can’t… help… can’t!” I awoke startled and sweating. I put on the tech suite and walked into the work room, where everyone else awaited him. “Good morning sunshine! Now if I may…” Dr. Lang Chu began. “Using the nova engine design, I have created a way to travel through space using nova energy to break down, and then put back together particles. This is the way you will be transported safely and quickly to the city of Wulumqi.” “But what can we do after that? The President didn’t tell us what our possibilities were.” I asked. “Are you all that thick? After forty years of training, you forgot the most important rule of thumb on mission tactics and operation… surveillance! I have observed the general over the years, and he has been working on a different kind of portal. The general has been working on a portal as well… a time portal! With it he’ll go through time and destroy the future, with him as the ruler of all mankind! We will have to go through the portal, and convince the past leaders to settle the energy crisis without starting a war. In theory, you all will be sent back to our time (since the war will not have caused the invention of the time portal thus you never went back). By doing this you will have saved all of humanity, and peace will once again dominate the world instead of war.” With this, we carried on with the greatest mission of our entire careers on our shoulders. Dr. Ling Chu set the coordinates, and saluted us as we slowly materialized.
Suddenly we found ourselves just inside the walls of the city. Lucky for us it was night time when we left. “Alright guys. When we get to the entrance of the base, you cover me. I have a score to settle with the General.” We quickly got to the center of town, where the base was supposed to be located. We saw a great temple, surrounded by a few stray guards with metallic battle armor on (typical for Chinese soldiers at the time). We shot down the men quickly with our snipers rifles and made our way to the temple. I saluted to my men, and quickly ran onward, deep into the temple.
As I walked down a few down ward stairs, I came to a lit corridor. I set my suite for stealth mode, and instantly rippled into a state of invisibility. Sure enough, there were two soldiers guarding an oak door. “Alright soldier… just like in the simulations.” I thought to myself. I slowly bent down and picked up a small pebble and quickly tossed it under the door. The guards heard the pebble tap against the ground inside and opened the door with guns drawn. I bleeped out of stealth mode and took the men by their necks, and smashed their heads together… instantly knocking them out. “Easy enough.”
I crept in the cover of the shadows till I came to the center of the Buddhist temple. The general and five of his best troops gathered before the fat statue the temple was dedicated to, only in his belly was the ring of time. I went back and took up one the unconscious soldiers uniforms and blended in with the group. Lucky for me I studied all of our foreign languages in high school (including Chinese). “Now, with the portal completed I shall bring pride, glory, and ultimate power to China.” Announced the general. All his men cheered in agreement. “The Chinese empire died out many thousands of years ago… but now it shall be reborn!” All the men cheered and quickly saluted their fearless leader. “You!” he ordered in Chinese to me. “Set the destination course.” I obeyed. “Let history be changed for the greater good.” He beamed. I took my helmet off and sneered back, “Not on my watch you Chinese b*****d!” I quickly leaped into the portal and was hurled into time.
I went and was able to change the government’s minds about fighting, and came to an agreement quickly. As soon as that happened though, I wasn’t sent back. I stayed in the same time. Why I can’t figure out. I went back to America and found that my family wasn’t there. It never existed. I was full of sorrow that I would never see my companions again. I still miss them. But I’m content. I used my knowledge of the future technology to better mankind and start up my own billion dollar empire. I give all my products not to the government for protections against our borders… but for the general public. War is a crime just like the murder of my father. I’m not going to let history repeat it’s self by causing another war (or at least not have my products participate in one). I don’t think I would trade this peaceful life for anything.
Leo L. Lexing
- by DQtest_clone |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/12/2009 |
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- Title: THE X WARS
- Artist: DQtest_clone
- Description:
- Date: 07/12/2009
- Tags: wars
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