January 1st, 2018...that is the night when my whole entire life changed.
I remember opening my eyes to a blinding light, and not being able to move my arms or legs. Five shadows stood above me looking down at me. One of them mumbled something then grabbed me by my hair.
"Where is it! Where did you hide it!?"
At that time only one thing came to mind. "I don't know what the ******** you're talking about!"
I felt the paiful sting of the man's hand coming across my face. I fell to my side and felt the tears roll down my cheeks.
"I want to go home! Just let me go! Take my wallet, I'm just a junior in high school."
I felt someone yank me to my feet and unlock the cold metal locks that bounded me. They pushed me forward and for a minute I thought I was free to go. HA! What a dumb a** i was for thinking that. I felt the cold steel press against the back of my head, and the c**k of the gun.
"Where did you hide it," came the same voice from earlier. "Where's the software?!"
"s**t, i don't know what you're talking about. Please you have to believe me."
I felt him push me to the ground and the snap of his fingers. One of the people tossed him something and he turned his back on me to converse with the others, and that's when it hit me...I'm no longer tied up.
I tore myself away from the cold floor and sprinted out the door. As I bounded down the dark hallway blindly, i could hear the gunshots behind me.
The only thing i could think of at that moment was, to get my sorry little a** out of there. I ran down the hallway counting each of my steps and listening to the other footsteps. Before i knew it I crashed into a wall, rebounded off, and fell down a flight of stairs. I heard something break, but I knew that this wasn't the time to worry about it. I pushed myself up once again and raced on. I could still hear the shouts and gunfire, and my heart felt as if it was going to rip out of my chest. I bounded around another corner and saw a bright light at the end of the hallway. I did what any other 16 year old, junior in high school, beign shot at by a bunch of random thugs, would have done. I ran towards it. It took about fifteen seconds before I reached the light and got the biggest shock i could have gotten at that moment.
It was a damn window.
I burst throught out into the empty space with shattered glass hovering around me. I glanced down to discover that this wasn't just a window. It was a window on a freaking skyscraper.
"DAMMIT," was the only word I could find as I plumetted.
The wind zipped past me and threw my hair around effortlessly. At that moment I thought i was screwed, but I'm not that lucky. Something flew by and I flew inside an open door and landed face first onto a hard, cold, metal floor. My head rebounded off and then fell once again. My vision blurred and my thoughts became a distant thing. I looked up to see three figures above me. One leaned closer and stared at me.
"Is this really the kid we're suppose to save?"
"I don't know," said a female. "He just jumped out a window and landed in our helicopter, so call me crazy but I think he's the one."
"I just don't see why this kid would have a hit on him," came another voice.
"Me neither," said the female, "but I know one thing. He's in for one hell of a trip."
That was the last thing i remembered hearing. Then nothing but darkness and quiet.
Gunpoint, Chapter 1
The first chapter. Edward, a 16 year old boy, has been kidnapped by a group of people, and learns that he has a hit on his head for some strange reason.
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