Chapter 1
I am always getting in trouble with the king. You see, i hate killing all of his peasants that he just wants to killl. They don't usually even do any thing. But whenever i try to object hes like, "I am your master, kill her now or suffer the consequence!" Well, thats usually just when i have to kill someone. He says things like, "Your just a worthless piece of crap. You never listen to me and you never do what your supposed to. Unless you want to become one of the pesants that I have to kill, go do what your supposed to do." But usually, even I do exactly what he says, he beats me every single night. So now when he asked me to kill this poor women, I did it exactly right in order to make sure he doesnt beat me tonight. Im still sore from last night.
When i get up to go clean the bathroom he suddenly asks, "Isabella, where do you think you are going?"
"I was going to go clean the bathroom sir, just like you asked. Would you like something else?"
"Yes. I would like some tea. But then just relax. Ok? Its your birthday afterall."
"Yes sir. Right away sir." And so i left him.
Wow. So I am already 21 years old. Seems like just yesterday when I was 5, dropped off by someone whom I didnt know, to come, live here. My parents had died in some accident and sent orders for me to come live in the kingdom. My brothers and sisters, though, had been sent to my aunts in Bechalonia. There is another kingdom there. They are probably all living like roalty compared to me. But oh well, its life.
When I came back with the tea, the king was very deep in thought and didn't notice me there. So I just dropped off his tea and went along. But when i was in the middle of walking out of the room the king stopped me. "Wait, Bella, come here."
"Yes sir." and i walked over to him, "do you need anything?"
"Yes, i need to ask you something." he then got off his throne and knelt on one knee, "Isabella Elizabeth Benhook, would you please marry me?"
"Hold on a second sir. How am I supposed to know you'll treat me like your wife, and not just some toy or slave?" I asked kinda pissed.
"I guess your just going to have to trust me. But think about it Bella. Think about how I have treated you compared to all of my other pesants. You have your own room. Your own real clothes. Your own bed. Your own everything. I've treated you like a queen ever since you came here 15 years ago. I remember I was only 9 years old and we played for hours and hours together. I fell in love. I wanted to be with no one except you for the rest of my life. So, please marry me Isabella."
I had to think about it for a little. He's treated me like crap. But hes right, I'm practically a queen compared to everyone else. "Jacob. I would love to marry you."
He then smiled. "Great, we will get married tomorrow."
"Ok." I then headed towards the door, "I'm going to go out for a little bit, I'll be back later."
"Where you going though?"
"I dont know, Im probably just going to go explore. I haven't been out of this castle in a very, very long time."
"Alright, be back soon though. It will be time for dinner in an hour."
"Ok, see ya later." And I opened the doors to look outside.
I hasn't really changed. Maybe some new....undeveloped houses to the right. But other than that, nothing. Its the same old city that i grew up in.
As i was walking down the streets, looking at everything, I see a younger guy talking to an old sales clerk. They look like they are arguing. So i walked over there to see what they were arguing about.
"YOU TOTALLY JUST STOLE THAT BREAD WITHOUT PAYING! I SAW YOU! DON'T LIE TO ME DAVID!" The sales clerk scremed to the guy named David.
"No, I paid for it just 10 minutes ago, then my sister ran off so I had to go catch her. I wasnt able to get the bread before i left, so i came back to retrieve it, and this is where we are now."
"Excuse me?" I interupted them.
"I'll be right with you mamm."
"Wait. Whats the trouble here?"
"Haven't you been listening?"
"Yes. Couldn't i just pay for it for him? I need to buy bread as well and i have a extra money."
"Sure, but he should learn that he shouldnt steal, not all the time is there gonna be some pretty lady to rescue him."
"I bet he knows. But here, ill take some.....Poplookin and Winkerjam bread please."
"Alright, here you go. Its going to cost you.....15 donkerates. But, including his bread, it will be 20 donkerates. Got enough?"
"Sure, here ya go." I handed them the money then waited for my bread. Wonder why it costs so much. It used to only be like 5 for both. Im lucky i brought extra money.
"Heres your bread mamm. Have a good day!"
"Thank you. And you as well." I then started walking the other way, but then David stopped me.
"Wait! Thank you, i didnt have any extra money with me and my family needs food. Well, my mom and sister does. They have no money."
"My pleasure."
"Im David."
"And im Isabella, Bella for short. But i must be on my way."
"Wait, can i walk you home?" I was surprised. No one was ever this kind when i was littler. I was almost killed at least 10 times a year because people were so rude.
"It would be my honer." I smiled, "Its over here."
He walked me all the way to the castle. And then stopped.
"Hey, do you have anything to do tonight? If not, would you like to go dancing?"
"Um.....i dont know. Ill have to find out. Ill call you ok?"
"Alright, heres my number." He then handed me a piece of paper, "Just call me and let me know."
[more next week]
Changing Lives
this is a story that i have been working on for a little bit
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