• My brain was racing trying to get to the biggest blowout of the school year. What would happen if leilani saw me there or Nicole. They would most definently make me suffer for it.But I would have my protection. I was invited by Derek Culington the collest most hottest guy in school. I enter the party with confidence smeared across my face ready to face anything. "Derek Derek" was the chant I had heard all around. What is he doing I pondered .
    I make my way through the crowd of people only to see a drunk Derek against a waisted Leilani. Were they really dancing like that together. Dereks eyes caught mine a** the cheering stopped. I looked at him dissapointed, scared and most of all embarresd. I decided to run away from Derek. To get rid of that baby look he got in his eyes when he looked at me. He followed me all the way outside. I collapsed on his front yard as he stood over me. "c'mon " he said as he lifted me of the wet cold grass. "look its a party im gonna dance im just really sorry you had to see that". I cinched at the smell of his breath and as i did the baby eyes came out again. "please I wont do it again" he pleaded. Omg this boy thoght i was his mother."why dont You just add mom to the end of that sentence" I pushed him away "you seriously think im your mom". He swollowed another swig and replied "maybe right now you know but no other time, I wouldnt have done that if i knew you were there next time make an entrance let me know your there"he chuckeled. "so I suppose I have to make an exit too"I studdered."yea" he replied.I picked up his cup full of beer and dumped it on his head in front of all his freinds. I shook it to make sure I got every drop."pretty nice exit huh?" I questioned.Then slowly I walked away ignoring all of the swear words he was yelling from behind me.