• Seath sat silently, eyes following the letters his pen made; black ink slowly sinking into the off-white parchment. The candlelight flickered over his venomously green scales, giving them an eerie tint; the candlelight was disturbed as his impatient tale swatted irritably through the air, sending fragments of wind flying to attack the iridescent flame. He let his five foot long tail slowly slither back to sit on the ground, ignoring the urge to curl it around something and squeeze until the object was shattered. Seath’s eyes – which were the regular reptilian yellow, but his were different, they were accented by the crimson specks and double-slits – glared at the parchment, words escaped him occasionally, and this was one of those occasions.
    The giant Kreckian inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly, being careful to avoid contact with the candle, eyes slowing transfixing themselves on the words he had so far, ‘I request an invitation to Princess Araura’s birthday celebration ball, where I would also like to speak with you about matters of importance’. Seath was requesting the aforementioned invitation to the Basiliskian Queen and King’s daughter’s Birthday Ball because they generally had more entertainment than roaming around the castle or debating war tactics – no matter how much fun either those events could be.
    An obnoxiously loud knock drew Seath’s attention away from the pen he had began to set back upon the paper, his eyes staring intently at the large stone door, “Enter.” His low voice stated, irritated at being disturbed once again. “Seath,” His father, Saleash, started, eyes settling upon Seath’s face. “It is about time you got marri-“ The large Kreckian was interrupted by his son’s immediate interjection, “No. I refuse to be married to one of those foul felines – or whatever you call them.” Seath growled, his clawed hand squeezing the pen that was held inside his fist until ink seeped out, another growl of irritation escaped him.
    “Obviously,” Saleash offered a sly smile, exposing his large white fangs, “But you wouldn’t object to being betrothed to one of our Draconian cousins; would you?” His father stated – it was neither a question nor command; his son would do it. Seath glanced at the faded parchment, and then sighed, “If you wish.” He answered, who would argue with a Kreckian? Let alone one that was at least 10 feet tall; if not more. Though Saleash was the incredibly powerful Kreckian Kingdom’s ruler he had inherited a shape that slightly showed the likes of his Draconian heritage, but his eerily crimson-colored scales were a warning against objection to his rule.
    Seath’s forest-green scales contrasted against his father’s coloring, despite his obvious Kreckish heritage. Both the duo of father and son were ominously shaped, just as most Kreckians were; yet, none more so than Seath and Saleash – Kreckish rulers.
    Most Basiliskian people would assume the shape of Human Beings, as opposed to their regular reptilian heritage. Humans were frightened and disgusted by the Basiliskian’s humanoid reptilian appearance – the Human’s fears of the unknown caused them to hunt and murder any of the reptilian people, quite unfortunately. So, due to the circumstances, the Basiliskian people remained in their Human forms, the Noble Born living in their castle, while they’re lower-social classes lived in the surrounding cities and villages.
    There were many parts to the Basiliskian’s social classes, but the highest – but the lowest populated – consisted of five people. The two most important individuals were the Emperor and his Empress, both with equal power of the Basiliskian Empire. The rulers had conceived three daughters, Kalara, Araura, and Ariana.
    Kalara was the eldest; she was at the age of 20, and soon-to-be in training for Empress, and even sooner to be engaged to an eligible King, Emperor, or Prince of a differing race. Kalara’s Basiliskian form was considered one of the most honorable shaping and coloring. Midnight blue scales were imprinted from head to tail-tip on Kalara, each one catching moon or sun light in another marvelous way, they gave her serious yellow eyes a strangely reformed nobility. Kalara’s tail – which was often threatening to throttle someone – was four and a half feet long, with a battle-worthy curved black spike connected to the tip; her tail was fit to match her retractable black claws.

    (c) 2009.