• Then, he dropped Melissa on the floor. The floorboards creaked in protest. Liam's eyes went all wide and he quickly rushed to me, shaking me. I could feel the energy running out of me. And the sticky wet liquid was oozing out of my palm quickly. I knew I was turning white, pale and so were Melissa and Cornellia. The demon boy let out an evil laugh and with a smile, he vanished. Liam was shouting. 'Get up! C'mon!' But I had no energy. And as my eyeballs rolled into my head, my eyelids closed, my last image the image of a very anxious Liam. I was positive about this. I was going to die. I prayed hard for my life was too precious. I had always treasured my life. The pain was going away. 'This is it. You're going to go now.' I told myself. And I waited for my death. But of course, my theory was wrong. The pain was coming back again. How could that be? I thought. The pain went away already! The pain was now a blazing fire. The fire as burning in my chest and in my heart. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel anything. I could only hear my desperate heart, beating loudly. The fire was licking my heart, leaving it blistering. My heart was trying to survive and I couldn't even scream. The pain, the pain was just too much. I just wanted to die. Die. Death was much more comfortable than this pain. The bad news was my heart was losing. The good news was the fire was also losing. Both were losing. The fire was now being reduced. The pain was still there, of course, but it wasn't so painful anymore. My heart beat against the fire and I didn't want to know the outcome. And suddenly, I could move again. I could feel everything in my body and I could hear Liam's quiet sobbing. And I opened my eyes.