• My Transfer 1

    I knelt before the priest having a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

    “ I, Shiaro Christiana Ronofdo do swear to protect humans at any cost.” I recited the words.

    The priest unwrapped a long silver scythe with “death” written on its side.

    “ You have earned this scythe by practicing hard, do us proud Shiaro.” He smiled gently.

    I bowed my thanks and blushed severely as I stumbled my way across the stage. I rushed into the chairman’s office eager to receive my mission. I walked proudly through the oak door. The chairman was talking to a boy about my age.

    “ Ah Shiaro I was just talking to Dominick here about your partnership with each other.”

    I looked at him dumbfounded. I didn’t need a partner! I was fine on my own!

    “ Well don’t just stand there introduce yourself.” The boy said rudely.

    I glared at him. “ My name is Shiaro Christiana Ronofdo, and yours?”

    “ Dominick Edward Rete.” He slumped against the chair.

    The chairman cleared his throat.

    “ Well now that you two have gotten acquainted I will tell you about your mission.” The chairman said.

    “ Your mission is to protect the students of Clarion junior high, they need to be heavily guarded because the enemy is preparing to attack as we speak.”

    I nodded my head as Dominick stifled a yawn.

    “ You will be going under cover as students there, I trust that both of you will protect the students well, now off you go we have arranged sleeping quarters by the school.” The chairman said as he ushered us out of his office.

    I slouched and walked into my room. I took out my luggage and packed every thing in sight. I made sure to grab all my weapons and my toiletries before walking out the door into the unknown. A black town car was parked outside the academy; I stuffed my luggage into the trunk only taking my weapons with me to my seat. Dominick already in the car was sitting next to me. I touched my birthmark on my neck. My nervousness unraveled like a winding tape.

    I was suddenly very tired and fell asleep.