• The story starts out a guy name Leon Scott Kiddney. Then a a dead zombie he wasent he was faking he tried to bite him and he shot him and then a hole bunch of zombies came.Then he found a girl named Claire Redfeld and they got in the police car and then Clarie found a police gun.Then a zombie popped out in the back of the car and tried to bite them a then they crash and the flipped out the front window of the car.Then drunk truck driver crashed in to them but they jumped out there side of there car. Then they met up at a police sation and it was full of zomibie and they both found people Claire found a little girl named Sherry Leon found a women named Ada and they found a lab. They had to find a vacine to help Sherry was bite they found a train.Then Claire had to jump on she got on and only three of them made it Ada was killed.Then they [Leon/Claire] put the vacine in Sherry and she woke and was better. THE END a story by Aidan Cunningham