• She told him she had to leave for 6 years. He was willing to quit his job to travel with her. She finally told him,"Stop it!Stop doing this! I hate you! Leave me alone forever!"
    That's when she flew on an airplane to a land of hatrid and sadness. She was despret to come back to the land she left. She stayed for 6 years, like she told him.
    Finally when the time came she went back.She needed a place to live, she decided that he still wanted her. So she found him.
    She saw he was happy. He had a beautiful wife with 6 children. 1 for every year she was gone.

    She lied to him, " I came back for you! This is how you pay me back? I loved it over there! I came all this way to say 'i love you'." She stared at him. 'I guess I should just go back. She started walking. "Stop! I still love you! I love you more than my wife! Let's get out of here, to the place to left me. You make it sound so nice!"

    So they traveled to the place she went and left his beautiful wife and children.
    How horrible that when they got to the place, they went to store of wines. A shelf of wine fell on both of them and they suffered a painful death.