• The nurse walked me into my cell. "Here is were you'll stay till the doctor says you can go," the evil woman sneered at me. I grimaced and walked to the edge of the room. " I'll get out of this soul shattering prison soon. You people can't keep me locked up forever," I barked at the nurse. " Ahh so your one of the hopeful ones. Don't worry we'll crush the hope out of you soon enough," the woman swore as she slamed the heavy medal door. I kept on telling myself that what she said was not going to happen but as the days went by I could no longer try to hide the hollow hole in my chest were my heart and soul used to be. Finally i decided to end my misery. i made strips out of my filthy sheets and made a perfect device to hang myself. I climbed up on the bed and put my head in the device. Then I jumped leaving no time for second thoughts to fill my head. I knew where I would go after death.And sure enough I opened my eyes to see the flames of hell raging around me.