• Wolf Star Prologue

    The long white haired female fell to the ground as she was struck by a sleeping genjutsu. She fell onto the road with a thud. Kabuto walked up to her. He scanned his surroundings.

    The forest was dark and empty. The street lights where lit with festival lights. He picked up the girl and almost dropped her when he heard a voice behind him.

    “Drop her now!” Kabuto turned around to look at a boy. He had black hair that was spiked up like Sasuke’s hair. He had green eyes and a scar in the form of an ‘X’ on his cheek. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a long sleeve fishnet shirt. He had on black baggy pants, with Goth boots.

    He held a katana in his hand. A giant star on his back. He looked at the girl. “Drop her!” He told him again. “So Minaru, you finally showed up.” Kabuto said laughing. Kabuto finally stopped laughing and stared intently at the boy. “You see I would leave her but Lord Orochimaru needs her.” “I don’t care what that body snatching snake freak needs! Drop her!” Never!” Kabuto said then took off. Minaru kept pace with him. “I don’t want to kill you Kabuto!” “Why should you? I’m your family.” “Well I’m marrying Kokoro so she’ll be your family too!” Kabuto laughed turning before almost hitting a tree in which Minaru hit.

    “Oh brother, I don’t care about family! If you’re in my way I’ll kill you the slightest chance I get!” He laughed. “You’re pathetic! Coldblooded! Snake!” He called catching up to Kabuto and throwing a kunai at hi. It struck him in the arm. He dropped Kokoro then quickly picked her up bridal style.

    Kokoro woke up wondering where she was. The she remembered. She tried slapping Kabuto but nothing worked. Finally she pressed her lips to his. Kabuto’s eyes widened in surprise. Minaru caught up to him and wondered why Kabuto was stopped.

    “Get off of her!” He yelled stabbing him through the stomach. Kabuto let go of Kokoro and spit out blood. “You will pay for this Minaru!” Kabuto swore to him. He quickly teleported out of there before Minaru could strike again.

    Minaru bent down and held Kokoro. “Are you all right?” He asked her smiling. “You’re hurt!” She exclaimed looking at his shoulder. It was bleeding profusely. He touched his shoulder. “Huh… When did this happen?” He pulled a poisoned senbon out of his shoulder.

    “Here let me help.” Kokoro placed her hands on his shoulder and a bubble was formed at her hands and it sunk into his wound. He screamed in pain. “Please don’t move.” She begged calmly. He began to try to sit still.

    The bubble came out holding tons of poison. “Wow he really tried to kill to me huh?” “Let me check to see if there’s more.” She made the dragon sign and activated her byakugan. “I don’t see any left.” She said a little bit worried.

    “Whats wrong?” “I feel like… That’s not all he did to you…” “Don’t worry I’ll be fine… You got the poison out, didn’t you?” “Yeah…” She said still worried.

    “So did you hit him with senbon?” Kabuto stood before his master. His wound gone. He nodded. “Good.” Orochimaru laughed evilly. “Now I want that girl… But since that senbon’s power will be working at the boy’s chakra, you can lay low for and just watch her.” “Yes Orochimaru-sama.”

    Wolf Star

    Chapter one Back to school

    Kokoro awoke in her bed. She must have fainted after she took the poison out. That maneuver takes a lot of chakra. Kokoro looked to see what it was. 6:15. She got up and out of her room and stopped at the hall closet to get a towel and walked into the bathroom.

    She got out and dressed herself. She wore a fishnet shirt under a grey corset. She had on grey baggy pants that tucked into her boots. She had on attachable sleeves that cover her hands.

    She walked outside and the sun had just started to come up. She walked to the academy and saw Minaru on the way. “Hey!” He called to her. “Hi…” She said shyly. “The festival was fun last night!” He said excitedly. She looked at his shoulder and winced. He had a bandage on it.

    She walked with Minaru in total silence the rest of the way to the school. She walked to class and Minaru walked away without hugging her. She sat in seat. Naruto ether was not here or late, again. She put her head on the desk and fell asleep.

    Naruto ran to the school as fast as he could. He passed the Ichiruka Ramen shop. He smelled the ramen as he went by and decided after school he would eat there. As he walked into the building, he saw two Anbu from a different village. “Uh what are doing here?” He questioned them. “We are looking for a Kokoro Hoshi.” They told him. “Oh shes in my class!” He told them, happily leading them to his classrrom. Naruto burst through the door. “I’m sorry I’m late Iruka-Sensei but there’s people out here who want to see Kokoro.” He told Iruka hoping that would get him off the hook for being late. Kokoro lifter her head. “Huh?” She asked confused. Iruka sighed. “Please step out of the room please.” By the sound of the voice it was female. She could tell that the other was male by his posture.

    She stood up and walked towards them. She followed them out of the classroom. They closed the door behind her and looked at her. “Kokoro Hoshi.” “Yes…” She asked scared. “You have been accused of capturing my heart!” The male said. “Uh…. What?” Smoke surrounded the Anbu and Kiba stepped out from the fog. The other Anbu turned into Akamaru.

    Kiba backed Kokoro into a wall and pressed his lips against hers. “Kiba!” She exclaimed before he kissed her. She tried to get him off of her but she wasn’t that strong. He stopped kissing her and stepped away smiling stupidly. Kokoro glared at him. “Do you know how much trouble you could get for impersonating an Anbu?!” He laughed. “That’s what I love about you! Always thinking about others protection.” She blushed. “You know it’s been arranged that I marry Minaru…” He looked down angrily. “Do you even like him?” “Well….” She said ensure of herself.

    “Then be with me!” She looked down. “But it’s arranged! I can’t just break up with him!” He looked down sadly. “Well I better get back to class.” She nodded. He walked away solely and went into the classroom. Naruto was sitting in her seat working on something while everyone else was gone.

    Wolf Star