• Hi and Welcome to gaia!!!
    This is the coolest website in computer!!! biggrin biggrin
    You can "play games here,post forums,find friends,change profile layout,voting in art arena,etc...
    Go explore here in gaia!!!! biggrin biggrin
    But are you interested in fishes?? question ......Well in gaia its here!!!! exclaim exclaim arrow ....
    But please take care of your fishes, it will drop if you will not feed them........
    If you are not yet registered perfectly???Please check Moira in the stores she knew it!!!
    If you are registered please enjoy......
    You can talk to others!!!......But please be careful to others they are selfish,anything bad will do to you.......
    And sometimes others are perfectly good and nice........

    Please Enjoy In Gaia!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im a member in the guilds every guilds I can join them.......
    Oh!!!I almost forgot!!!!
    My name is John.....Nice to meet you....
    If you want more friends, Check this url:


    And thats it......
    Cya later!!!!!!!