• Elise knows her duty; her so called ‘place’ in this world. She was born a girl, and that means her job is to be like her mother. So her daily chores consist of cleaning, sewing, and keeping her little brothers in line. It sounds a lot harder than it seems.
    So, to escape from the daily work of a growing girl, she traps herself in stories. Any kind of story really, anything with a kick of fantasy, punches of romance, and of course the danger. What is a story without danger? There has to be elements of those things to make something wonderful –oh and of course tragedy is always a good element too, almost forgot that one.
    After a long day of her work, Elise heads to bed. She lies back against her soft mattress and closes her eyes. She begins to tell herself a story, manipulating one of her favorite tales from her childhood –The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. She puts herself into the story, making it her own. She swims –her legs kick under the blankets. She sings –her lips move to the muffled words. She finds herself in love –her heart sores. Elise has escaped, but little does she know that soon her own fairy tale will begin. Soon, she will have her own adventure. She will escape into a whole different world….