• Johny and Zach were late for their last day of highschool. "I think I'm going to go to college.." Zach said. "Ch- Brainiac." Johny replied. "Shut up! You wont be laughing when im making the big bucks and your kids are dieing because you can't afford to feed them!" Johny was pissed. "At least i'll have kids!." Zach smiled. "Not after a few days of starvation you won't!"
    --skip all the boring crap--
    "SCHOOLS OUT FOREVER!!!!" Johny shouted. suddenly his eyes blinked then went blank. Zach stared at him. He dropped his backpack and shook him.
    "Johny? Johny wake up!" Zach rolled him over to find a dart in his back. Zach got up and looked around. Zach found a big man from a distance in a robe with a dart gun walking off. "NO!" Zach shouted He chased after him. Zach dove over a table and rolled. The man in the robe spun around. he threw a knife at Zachs face. Zach bended back and dodged it. Zach tried to spin kick him.
    The man in the robe grabbed his foot and threw him. Zach hit the wall really hard. Zach past out too.
    --30,000 Years Later--

    Johny awoke quickly afterwards. Johny stumbled around alot. then gained stability. he saw jack a few yards away. He ran to him. He shook Zach.

    ----end of part 1----