Please read memo.Sorry its long.Heads up! You should really hear My heart will go on by Celion Dion. I don't know why but I was listening it while writing this story and Idk it just fitted it really well. Rate message comment cha! ^.^
*10 years ago*
"Emanuel! Emanuel, where are you?"
"Angeline! Over here! Come here I wanna show you something."
"Huh? What is it?"
"Looky! Isn't this a pretty flower?"Seven year old Emanuel showed six year old Ifangeline a silver flower
"Ohh. Where'd you find it?" Angeline asked softly.
"C'mon I'll show you!" Emanuel said cheerfully. He grabbed her hand and led her to a field full of silver roses.
"Looky! Isn't it pretiful? My uncle showed me it. He said these flowers are Lunar flowers." he explained to his best friend.
"Lunar flowers?" asked Angeline confused.
"Yea. He said give it to someone really special to you so I'm giving one to you!" he said excitedly.
"Too me? Why?"
"Because your my bestest friend in the whole entire world silly!" he said as he put the lunar flower in her hand that he was holding.
"Your really special to me Angeline. I want us to always be friends."
"And your really special to me too Emanuel!" Angelina said happily.
"I'll aways be your friend no matter what! Don't worry I'll always protect you.Forever and ever!"
"Forever and ever! " Agreed Angeline.
"We'll always be fiends and thats a promise! Right?
"Yeah! a promise. We'll always be best friends." Then the two made a pincky swear promise and held hands and walked back to Princess Ifangelines palace.
*10 years later*
"Angeline! Angeline! Where the heck are you?!" 17 year old Emanuel called out.
It was 11'o clock at night and everyone in the kingdom was looking for Princess Ifangeline. To make matters worse there was a thunderstorm outside. A really big one too!
"Angeline where are you?! Its me Emanuel!" he shouted while a gust of wind blew at him."What the? Angeline? Is that you?" Emanuel asked as he saw a silhouette sitting down on a hill. He quickly ran to the person hoping that its Ifangeline.
"Angeline! Angeline!" Emanuel shouted. The figure glanced behind its shoulder confused and it was Ifangeline. Relief washed over Emanuel as he saw it was her.
"Ifangeline what in the world are you doing here?" he said as he pulled her up and shrugged off his jacket that he was wearing.
"I started walking around the palace before the storm and I found myself here." she explained quietly as he put his jacket over her shoulder. He stared at her confused and looked at where she was staring at. It was the field filled with Lunar flowers that he showed her 10 years ago.
'Angeline you still remember this place? I showed you this a long time ago.' Emanuel thought to himself blushing in the process.
"Why here? In a place like this? You have a beautiful garden at the palace." he said to her shaking off the blush that he was having.
"Because this place is really special to me. Its so beautiful too. I don't know but something about it feels...familiar..Like I've been here once before long ago but I can't remember" she said as Emanuel was leading her down the hill and taking her home.
"That's ridiculous princess. It's just a silly weed patch." Emanuel said while shaking his head.
"Maybe to you but not to me." she argued.
"Haha whatever you say Angeline."
"By the way." Angeline started.
"Hmm? what is it?"
"What are you doing here?"
"That's a dumb question,I was looking for you of course silly."
"Why? The guards would have found any time soon too."
"Well I-I was uh worried about you that's all." Emanuel said embarrassed.
"You shouldn't worry so much about me you know. I'm fine, it's just a little rain.
"Well I just couldn't do nothing. You never know what can happen now adays."
"Silly, you should know I'll always be fine." Angeline said as they walked up the stairs to the palace.
"King Gabriel! Queen Victoria! I've found her!Princess Ifangeline is all right!" announced Emanuel.
"Ifangeline! Where in heavens earth have you been?" Queen Victoria sobbed out to her daughter.
"Young lady do you know what time it is?! And how the weather is outside?! We've been worried sick!" King Gabriel scolded.
"I am sorry Father. I lost track of time and I-uh"
"And her path was cut off." Emanuel interrupted Angeline. "A flash of lighting struck a tree as she was coming home but it cut off her path and all she had left were the woods but she knew better to go there." he glanced at Angeline and then back to the King."So she took shelter in the inside of a tree and that's where I found her, your majesty" Emanuel explained.
"Goodness! Is this true Ifangeline?" Queen Vicoria asked horrified.
"Uh yes! Yes it is! I heard Emanuel call out for me and I yelled out to him and he found me!"
"Well then good job my boy. We owe you our gratitude." King Gabriel thanked Emanuel.
"Don't worry your majesty, Ifangeline is my best friend. I would have done it anytime. Don't worry." Emanuel said embarrassed while rubbing his head.
"Well then we should all get to bed. It is very late. Emanuel your parents are here and I have told them that you all can stay here for tonight because of the storm." Queen Victoria said.
"Thank you Queen Victoria." Emanuel said while bowing. With that Queen Victoria and King Gabriel left to their rooms.
"Thanks Emanuel for the cover up." Angeline said.
"No prob. We would've gotten busted if they found out where you really were." They bothed laughed.
You see Ifangeline isn't allowed to go anywhere that is far away from the palace. Of course she can go to the village but not anywhere else, especially near the woods.
"Emanuel! Emanuel your all right! Thank goodness!" Emanuels mother ran in to the room with Emanuels father and hugged him tightly while his dad ruffed up his hair.
"And you brought back princess Ifangeline! That's my boy!" his Father said proudly.
"Oh princess Ifangeline thank heavens that you are all right!" Emanuels mother Jessamyn cried emotionally as she hugged Ifangeline.
Meanwhile Emanuels father James walks next to Emanuel and whispers in his hear so low that only he can hear "Emanuel have you asked her yet?"
Emanuel blushed and put his hand in his pants pocket and grasped the object that was in there.
"No not yet father, I plan on telling her how I feel tomorrow night. I hear its suppose to be warm and that there's no rain tomorrow. I'll take the opportunity and ask her in the Lunar flowers field patch." Emanuel whispered back embarrassed.
"Alright then my son. Hows about your mother and I leave you two alone." James said slyly.
"Jessamyn let us go to our room."
"Alright dear, goodnight Princess Ifangeline,goodnight Emanuel." And with that they went up the stairs and left Emanuel and Angeline alone downstairs.
"Umm Angeline?" Emanuel said nervously while they were walking upstairs to their rooms.
"Yes Emanuel?" Angeline said sweetly.
'Gosh why does she have to sound like that? I just wanna hold her in my arms and stay like that forever.' Emanuel thought to himself.
"Um well. I-uh. Well. What I mean is... Um. Are you doing anything tomorrow.?"
"Tomorrow? Um nothing at all now that you mention it. Why?"
"Well I uh was wonder. Would you like to go for a walk with me tomorrow after I finish work?"
"Okay. We haven't really been together in a long time." Angeline said happily.
"Great!" Emanuel shouted which caused Angeline to giggle a bit. "Opps sorry. That was a little loud."
"But uh I'll see you at noon, okay?" he said excitedly.
"Okay! I'll bring a basket and we can have a picnic. How's that sound?"
"Sounds perfect!"
"Can't wait. Well goodnight Emanuel." she said as they approached her room and Emanuels room was right next door.
"Goodnight Angeline. Have sweet dreams." Emanuel said softly. Then he walked up to her so that he was so close that they were just an inch from touching each other.
They stared in each other's eyes for a long time and finally Emanuel slowly leaned down and kissed Angeline in the cheek.
"Goodnight my princess, until tomorrow." He said bowing and walked away to his room.
"Goodnight Emanuel" she said softly while blushing. deeply and walked into her room.
~ Ifangeline's P.O.V ~
"Goodnight Emanuel" I said to Emanuel as he walked into his room and I walked into mine in a daze.
He...he kissed me! He really kissed me! Okay it was on the cheek but he still kissed me! I can't believe it!
And to top it off we're going on a picnic tomorrow! I can't wait! Maybe just maybe he likes me too!
Emanuel I've had feelings for you for a long time. I wonder if you feel the same about me.
~ Emanuel's P.O.V ~
"Goodnight my princess." I said to her softly and entered my room.
I did it! I finally kissed her! Okay just the cheek but it still counts. Tomorrow hopefully it'll be more than that.
Angeline tomorrow will you accept my proposal? I asked myself as I pulled out the ring that was in my pocket.
Angeline I love you so much. I want you to be with me forever.
"Awww isn't that sweet? The little peasant human loves the princess." a strange voice said.
"Who's there?!" I yelled out. Then a man dressed in black robes appeared on front of me. He smiled a wicked grin and I saw fangs!
"A vampire!" I choked out.
"That's right little human." Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck and everything went black.
"If-Ifangeline." I managed to say.
Hey! I hoped you liked he first chapter!! Sorry that I made Emanuel sound a bit gay in the beginning of his P.O.V but I don't know what boy thinks! lol. Please, please please please please please *gasps for air* please please please write messages, rate, comment, and banners for this story and my other story!! Also sorry that the memo and everything was long!! >.

- Title: A girl and her vampire lover
- Artist: -Euphema-
To be honest I had a dream about this story and I absolutely loved it so I thought I should write in quizilla but I never really had the beginning done. But then I started to listen to My heart will go on by Celion Dion and I got the idea! Then I decided to post it here on gaia. Also it kinda sounds like from the eighteen hundreds. Sorry but that's how i dreamt it. yay!! So enjoy. Heads up this is a long prologue! Seriously. Lucky you!
- Date: 09/06/2009
- Tags: love been turned
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Comments (2 Comments)
- ii-Devil-Angel-ii - 09/12/2009
this story is so good!
Please finish it! I really want to read more! - Report As Spam
- myst3ryxx - 09/06/2009
good story!
u shud finish it even doe it wusnt in ur dream - Report As Spam