• There once was a girl named Dahra and she lived with her mother and father in a far away land. (London, England) Dahra, who has brown hair and blue eyes. One year when she was at least five years old, Dahra's mother died forcing her father to go into depression. So her father dated for a few weeks and then married a lady who was nice at first, but she had evil daughters who often got what they wanted. Later that year after suffering depression and then later drinking, he died due to heart failure. Dahra was forced to live with her “evil” stepmother and her daughters. Her stepmother didn't care what went on in the house except if someone dropped her priceless vase. So since Dahra didn't have any say in anything, her step sisters gave her a room in the attic. She also did the step sisters chores and did every thing for the stepmother and she also went to school. Her stepsisters names are Clarissa and Meredith. They're both the head of the popular group. One day, Dahra passes by them during the period transition. One kid stuck their foot out and she tripped making her books fall to the floor.

    Hey what was that for! Asked Dahra.

    It was an accident. Says the kid who stuck their foot out.

    Everyone else would know that's lie, kid. Said Dahra.
    Then she started think, “Who would make them to that.” Oh yeah, my evil step sisters would do this. So she decided to confront them, but nothing goes well when a pie miraculously land in her hands and Clarissa kicks her and she tries to grab her foot, her face hit the pie.

    Ew, this is gross! Dahra complained.

    Everyone starts laughing.

    What kind of pie is this? Dahra asked.

    It's apple with worms in it. Meredith said.

    The next day was horrible, Dahra had a lot of chores to do. They took so long that she couldn't even go to school. Then, when Clarissa and Meredith got back from school, Dahra overheard them discussing about a ball that would take place tonight at the kings castle. At once, Dahra ran to go ask her step mother.

    Her step mother said “No, absolutely not!”

    I finished all my chores early, Dahra complained.

    Her step mother said, “Well, we could find other stuff for you to do.”

    What! That not fair! Dahra in shock.
    Dahra ran to her room crying. When she got there, she saw a woman sitting on her bed. Dahra walked slowly up the stairs, when she got there she asked:

    Who are you, and how did you get in here? She asked.

    The woman ignored the question.

    Child I brought you a beautiful dress for you to where to the ball. Said the woman.

    I can't go, my step mother said no.” Dahra explained.

    Nonsense! The woman shouted, your going to that ball.

    Fine, what do you have?” Dahra asked.

    The woman showed her a beautiful red dress with black stilettos and beautiful diamond earings and necklace.

    Put these on, the woman said, but you have to be back here before midnight.

    Why, Dahra curiously asked.

    Your step mother will find out you snuck out. The woman explained.

    There was an awkward silence. Then the woman broke out:

    Go on, or you'll be late, a limo is waiting for you outside. The woman said.

    Dahra ran downstairs and snuck out the back door of their Spanish mansion. She got into the limo, and she was on her way to the ball. At the ball, the prince was already dancing with Meredith, so she went to go drink some punch. Later, the prince came over to ask Dahra to dance. They started dancing.

    What is this ball for? She asked.

    My father is severely ill, and I need to get married before he dies. The prince said.

    Okay, are you going to choose who your marrying tonight. Dahra asked.

    Yes, I'm going to have to. The prince said all stressed out.

    Then, the clock rang, Dahra looked and she saw it struck midnight.

    I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go, she said.

    Wait, I'm going to choose now. The prince said.

    I choose Dahra, the prince said.

    I'm sorry I can't, I'm too young, Dahra said.

    The prince and everyone was silent. Dahra just ran home. At home, Dahra got in trouble by her stepmother, of course Dahra remembered about her lawyer.

    Three years passed and Dahra sued her stepmother for making her do all the families chores. So Dahra got the mansion and everything in it, she also got the families fortune. The prince ended up marrying Meredith and Clarissa traveled to China for a few years. As for the stepmother, she's in jail for drunk driving. Dahra lived happily ever after.