• Beautiful girls
    By me

    For all girls her are desperate to become beautiful. Sometimes I have to read this over and over again to get it right; to realize I’m beautiful.

    Everyone likes to tell themselves there beautiful. Every teenage girl tries her best to be beautiful. They say that they aren’t but deep inside they want to look like all the models of the world. Some girls are beautiful and have everyone chasing after them. Every school has one of these, no matter what age group. There is always a girl that stands over the crowds and shines brighter than anyone else. These beautiful people de-beautify others. The other girls look at them and say “I wish that I could be that pretty,” or “what makes her so great?” They don’t look at themselves and say “I may not look as great but I work hard in school, get good grades, Im trustable.” They don’t realize they can be beautiful too. They have to be beautiful in other ways. They don’t need to look up to others. They need to know that they tried there absolute hardest and best and that’s all that matters. God doesn’t look on the outside of a girl. He looks on the inside. One day a man will look at the girl they call a geek and he will love her for the inside of her. He will love her no matter what. He will care for her and believe she is beautiful. I ask all girls, no matter what age, to look at themselves and find something beautiful, something that describes that one girl, something lovable. I want her to find something truly beautiful, something from her heart.