• Mikune was fought into a corner, waiting for impending death upon her by her imposing adversary. Her enemy was large, and her sword broke from the sheer force that this enemy had. Mikune wore a white shogi and her sheath was white too. She had no choice but to see the death that would come before her eyes. the Enemy raised his hulk like arm and prepared to smash her. then suddenly a flash and a slicing sound occured. the large arm became limp, and Mikune could see a black shape pass behind the brute's head slicing the Hulk in a instant. when the limp large body crashed on the floor, the black shape was long gone. Mikune came away with a gash on her face and chest but she survived. even a year later she onders what that shape was.

    A year after that happened, Mikune is well and she graduated from Grimm school. She was given a red shogi robe in place of her student white shogi robes. her sword was long repaired. but after her graduation, the head of the school wanted to see her as soon as possible. She arrived at the Headmaster's office and knocked. She was beckoned to come in, and she sat down upon gesture. The Headmaster turned, "Hello Mikune. i wanted to ask you something. remember that fight you had a year ago? the one where you had a black shape help you?" Mikune nodded, the head master was the only one who knew about the black shape. "i dont know if you know some history about the Grim reaper soicety. there are few, and i do mean few. about one or two become strong warriors and they are given a black and red shogi robe. but there is one warrior that is so legendary. he was the only one given a black shogi robe. in fact that black shogi robe was THE only solid black one made. His soul was so strong he didnt become a Reaper, he became the top level. do you know what that top level is?" Mikune shook her head"No head master i do not."

    then a deep but gentle voice came from the dark, "but i do." The headmaster widened his eyes. "you? it cant be..."The head master stuttered. "Oh but it is. i am Saori. the Soul Survivor!"