• "Joe! Where are you, buddy?!" scream Jack shouts into the thin mountain air, brisk as a good walk. "Where are you Joseph! Where are you?!" They made it to the top before Joe was attacked, for the mountain was a small one. "He could be anywhere on this mountain" stressed Jack thought, trying to remember the direction the puma came from. exclaim "I think the puma came from that way, so I'll go there. But, I'll radio the Mountain Patrol to notify them," Jack said to himself, turning on his VTOL radio. sweatdrop "Patrol, we have a missing climber. He's caucasian, 5 foot 4 inches, blonde hair. His name is Joseph Petrowski," Jack says through the radio. "We are on Mt. Irving. I am at the summit, Joe is missing, since he was attacked by a puma. We need help, now!" scream "OK, we're sending a rescue unit to help. We have your locale marked on their map," a male at Patrol HQ replies.

    See what happens to Joe and Jack in the sequel, "Is he Alive?"