- John slowly walked through the dark blood soaked hall way, flinching at every noise he heard. In his hands he held a bottle of hair spray and a lighter. John was a 16 year old punk. He wore a black shirt that said Punk-U with a skull Under the U. He also wore baggy pants and black converse. He proceeded to walk into the cafeteria when he suddenly heard a low wheezing noise. He pressed his back against the wall and felt his heart jump. He slowly poked his head out from behind the corner to see a dark figure sitting near the food supply. “D*** it!” He said under his breath. “Now how am I supposed to get the crap?” He asked himself. John readied himself to sneak up behind the figure, but it was too late. The figure slowly walked into the light and exposed its hideous body. Its skin was brown with huge spots of skin peeling off, revealing the monster’s muscle tissue. The monster howled in rage and charged at John. He quickly readied the can of hair spray and pushed on the nozzle and released a ball of fire onto the creature as it was about to hit. John dropped the empty can and made his way to the storage room of cafeteria. “This place is full of s***!”He exclaimed to himself. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his spine. His fingers went numb and he felt very cold. He checked his back and saw that a second monster had formed a tentacle with his arm and stabbed it into his back. The creature lifted John off the ground and proceeded to allow johns body to slide off. As John laid there a felt a warm sticky liquid slowly move up to his nose. Every thing started to go black he could feel the monster devour his body, but he didn’t care. It was all over, there was nothing left to live or die for.
- by Its a fricken emozombie |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/29/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Veiw Point story .1
- Artist: Its a fricken emozombie
I will be writing a sires of stories based on a fictional event. Each story will be through someone else’s eyes, giving you a different piece of the puzzle each story.
My inspirations for these stories were…
F.E.A.R 2 project origin
28 Days Later
I Am Legend
Halo combat evolved
Please enjoy.
Caleb Sharp.
- Date: 10/29/2009
- Tags: veiw point story
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