• Gigi stared at him.

    "Destroy Konoha?"Gigi had no idea what was happening.

    Pain then came down stairs.He wasn't alone.The other Pains followed him.Gigi then was really confused.He then left.

    "What's wrong with Pain?"


    Master Drag gone back to his office and decided to let the young ninja train.He was looking at paper work.He didn't understand why Tsunade hated it.He found it quite relaxing.Then there was a knock.

    He looked up.He felt the strong chakra.Then the door was banged down.Standing in the door way was the Pains.

    "Hello Pain."

    "I've come to get rid of you.You are messing up my plans."Pain said this with no emotion.

    He then threw a kunai and Master Drag dodged it.Drag smiled to himself.

    So it's finally begin.....


    Naruto sat down on the side of the training area.He watched as Sakura trained with Violet.Hinata walked over to him.


    "It happened again..."Naruto muttered.

    "What?"Foxy and Love asked in unision.

    "He got away."Naruto muttered again.

    "We'll get him back."Revenge and Sneaky also said in unision.

    "We can't."Naruto said his head down.

    "We will!"Kippi shouted.

    "No!We can't."Naruto shouted.

    "Naruto we'll-"Hinata started.

    "Don't you see?He's become to strong.We're not strong enough.They even have Gigi.We dead!We're loser!We're-"Naruto then was hit on the back of his head.

    He turned around and glared at Power.She returned his glare with a cold stare.She then turned around and graoned.

    "No on wants to hear you whine."she said.

    Naruto looked at her confused.

    "Number one ninja?Next Hokage?I don't thnk so!"Power screamed not turning around,"The Naruto I knew wouldn't give up.He wouldn't just easily quit.He would fight!I what about your ninja way?What about your promise to Sakura?"

    Naruto looked down ashamed.By now Sakura and Violet had begun to listen.Tiyu even listened alittle.

    "I acually believed you would become the next Hokage.Maybe I should rethink my thoughts?"Power said.

    "NO!Don't give up on me!I will bring Sasuke back.I will keep my promise to Sakura.And I will be the next Hokage!"Naruto smiled a huge smile,"Believe it!"

    "Naruto..."Sakura smiled.

    Power smiled a secret smile making sure no one saw.Then everyone heard a scream from the other room.They ran in there to find their master on the ground covered in blood hardly breathing.

    "MASTER!!!"Sakura,Violet,and Tiyu ran over to him.

    They all fell to their knees.Their faces were now full of tears.Sakura began to use her healing jutsu.

    These wounds....Sakura thought.

    "Stop.....It's no use."Master Drag whispered that was bearly heard.

    "Stop talking....."Tiyu said.

    "Master.We'll save you."Violet held her master's hand.

    "Please atop.It won't work."Master Drag whispered.

    Sakura stopped.Tears didn't stop coming though.

    "I'm proud of all three of you.But I am dieing.I would love to see what happends in the future.But I must go.I also must name one of you now the leader of since this is the end for me."He looks at Sakura."You are the new leader young Sakura."

    With that his body fell limp.Master Drag had died.