Second Day
Why did man wish to destroy what it created? It savagely beat at death doors, angry and protesting their futility to contradict the plagues of ‘disease’ which existed long before speech and individuality struck the planet. One however, embraced this notion as a blessing and cradled it to his body. Known as thy father on the second day he created another strange life form. By now though, he had a name.
Guilt. A contradiction in itself born into halves of different elements never whole unless struck together in a whirling tide. They would spin and disagree like siblings over the smallest things of what preferred to them at the time of the clash. They spat, fought, ripped, and tore at their other selves without mercy angry at the neglect of understanding between them. Wherever they founded as their sanctuary they kept apart and bounced happily, always happy but something always lay amiss—
Two colors and two different personalities. One calm and understanding created light colored tumors which spawned like flowers out in the open fields whereas its twin chose to leave black oozing masses of destruction, often tearing the tender layers that kept everything afloat. It carried a nasty temper and disagreed with everything its twin said or did, a chemically unbalanced formula flaw in their creation of the one and only—
Father whom desired only the destruction of inferior beings that depended on such miracles as ‘medicine’ to live an eternal life. With his cells offered to humans as he programmed G.U.I.L.T to know were few and far between in their logical difference of what should and should not have been. With this in mind they ignored the way meant for them one seeking salvation in its birth and the other wailing in despair. Where one group of these flawed virus components, another followed like a herd and conflicted with the same color. Unable to win against a twin they refused to do battle with the same family of color-coded genes and opted to separate at first collision.
Thus tumors bore from the tissue beneath them as their floor and ceiling. They themselves posed as a tumor in constant motion but never found the halfling worthy to create a whole. Perhaps that is why the father disliked the human being so strongly, why he did what he did to survive long past the laws of time.
It wasn’t until the host of their eternal home became over populated with strange mounds they created did they bicker and fight frequenter. Accompanied by their close cousins of identical patterns did they warp the organ into a battlefield of death and decay. Blood leaked from every part it could, rupturing as a burst of hot liquid pooling in the craters they formed.
The original purpose to destroy man had been discarded by the father’s creation. Lost and confused the virus helplessly pitted itself against its twin and fought bitterly until…it came. A wash of green liquid directed it away from the blood pool and rivalry as a savior to one and a sin to the other. As this new entity rid the home of the multiple growing balls of black and yellow it invoked the anger of the red menace.
Gradually the blood pools were drained and evaporated in strides, already their home looked much healthier than before their battle began. Determined to keep it the same way the blue distinguished twin hobbled from wall to wall colliding on purpose with its sibling fighting to buy this ‘thing’ time to save them. Each time they swirled and became one that thing---human was he?
Drained them. Relentlessly. The sin never let up until the mysterious weapon forced them apart weaker and darker than before. It was as if the fluids of the GUILT had been sucked away leaving only a morsel left to survive and function on. Tirelessly the two collided one after another until they formed for the first time as a whole glowing an eerie red.
Was it a blessing or a sin? Now whole the rivalry became an object of the past, nothing short of a jealousy never understood by their father. ‘It’, the virus of two now one understood a little more of what went into their creation to destroy and eliminate humans. They were creatures thriving on destruction and chaos, penalizing the gods of disease with curative holy relics to heal and cheat the system. No matter how angry it became separation was not possible.
As the scalpel cut deep into their contaminating vessels they shriveled against one another in an unchangeable embrace fearful as the world changed from good, to bad, to nothing at all…
Thus the Second Day passed…and Deftera lingered no more.
Second Day
(Trauma Center Fanfiction) GUILT. The beginning of lord's day to the final days of their rein. Though they are nothing but mindless tools of destruction, these infections, too, try to survive in a world that detests their very existence. 2/7
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