returned and hiccupped, “Um… I promise that wasn’t me.” She looked worried and slightly disoriented.
I shook my head, “I know, for now… its to training”…
It was pretty late so Carter spoke up, “Tomorrow, its late.”
I nodded, “Well do what you will.” I walked out and went to the parking lot. There was a huge tree and I grabbed a leaf that was floating in the air. How do I train for something that was going to be near impossible? I sighed and kicked the tree, I made a tiny mark. I had strength. I slid down on the grass and put my head in my arms. Im so tired of my job, two dirty vans where in front of me. I stared at them and slowly looked up to see Dane standing in front. He was just blankly staring at me, He squat down and cocked his head, “Stressed?” I just nodded, “Want help?” I shrugged he chuckled, “You know you don’t need to practice, it will be a normal fight. All you need is a miniature army of immortals. You’ll do fine.” He stood up and smiled. I smiled back, “Thanks.” He just nodded and walked away. A miniature army… I needed call my father. I pulled my phone out and let the phone ring.
“Hello you have reached Dice. Please leave a message and I shall call you back.” That was so original. Then the beep came, “Hello father. Um, as you know the king is coming and well I need you to get a few immortals to help us fight. That’s all bye.”
I looked up at the moon and walked back to my room. When I opened the door Emma was pacing, “Guess you heard?”
She stopped and looked up, “Yes! I already called your dad and he is coming with immortals.”
I sighed, “I called too. I left a message… Im going to sleep.” She nodded and sat on the couch. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair. It was brownish blonde. I grabbed scissors and cut my hair to my collar bone. I trimmed my bangs so they could sweep into my eyes. That’s when I saw my eyes, they had changed into a light blue. My mom had dark blue eyes and my dad with light green. I smiled and got into the shower. It relaxed my muscles, the warm water washed over me and little scrapes I had stung. I looked down to see dirt wash off of me. I smelled my shampoo as it washed my hair. When I was done I walked into my closet and pulled out a tank top that was green and a pair of black sweats. I got changed and crawled into my bed, and waited for sleep to engulf me. I woke up to a huge bang and Emma whispering harshly. Then I heard him, “I just need to see her.” I shook my head furiously. I calmed down as I heard them arguing. Then Emma said, “Outside.” Then a door closed. I hopped up and changed into black skinny jeans, a purple tank top and black converse. I pulled on my leather jacket and quickly did my make up. I walked to the front door and opened it. I saw them right in front of me and neither saw me. I leaned against the door frame and looked at them, “Thanks for waking me.”
The arguing stopped and they both looked at me. Emma’s eyes were beyond mad. Damon looked at me up and down and spoke, “J-J-Jayne… how are y-you?” He stuttered out of nervousness. I smiled, “Fine thanks.” I stood up and walked to Emma and put my hand on her shoulder. I winked at her and she smiled a little. Damon stared at me and I walked past him making sure to brush my arm against him, “Im going to get Dane, Aiden, and Carter.” I looked to see his face jealous, oh this was going to be fun. I turned back and bumped into Dane. I was about to fall when his arms restricted me, “Oh thanks. Never mind I don’t need to get them.” I smiled and waved to all three of them and Aliss. Dane hadn’t removed his arms and Damon looked disturbed. I laughed and Dane let go slightly blushing. I smiled, “Dane, Carter, Aliss, Aiden this is Damon.” I saw Carter edge forward but Aliss put her arm on him murmuring something I barely heard. Carter whispered something to Dane and Aiden. They both looked at me and then looked at Damon. Dane came towards me and put his arm around my shoulder, “So, hun, this is your ex boyfriend.” I looked at him question ally. Then at Carter who mouthed ‘he is pretending to be your boyfriend’ I laughed and looked at Dane, “Yes he is. Damon this is my friend Dane.” Dane pouted and whispered, “I was pretending to be your boyfriend.” I laughed, “Why pretend. Joking.” I walked past everyone, “So who all is the army?”
“Dane, Carter, Aliss, me, Damon, Dice, Fran, and Greg. You of course too.” Aiden answered. I smiled and looked at everyone, “Breakfast?”
“Wait!” Everyone turned to Aliss, “Um…um… the king is coming tomorrow at midnight.” My mouth gapped and everyone stared at me. I quickly picked up my mouth, “How did you get it wrong?”
She fidgeted with her fingers, “I read the chart wrong. Gosh, I can not believe I did this!” she threw her arms in the air and sighed turning to Carter.
“Its fine, we just need to pair off and practice. Emma and Ben are you two fighting?” I knew they had no power as us, but they could try if they wanted.
Emma nodded, “I can use my brains and Ben can use a gun or something.”
I nodded, “Alright lets pair.” Carter hugged Aliss. Aiden and some girl who I assumed to be Gen. Dane quickly grabbed my hand and I smiled at him. While Damon just glared, “Jayne can we speak?”
“There is nothing to speak about.” I looked back at Dane who was looking at the sky. Everyone was gone except us three.
“Yes, there. Is.” I rolled my eyes and hissed out, “Don’t command me. There is nothing between us, never will be. Just deal with it.” I had shaken off Dane and was close to Damon, he grabbed my arm. It turned red, “Let. Go.”
He shook his head, “No. We need to speak.”
I rolled my eyes and was going to hit him but Dane grabbed me. I looked at him, “No, Damon. Next time you touch me I will hurt you.” I walked away from them and sat down under the same tree as the night before.”
Dane’s POV.
“No, Damon. Next time you touch me I will hurt you.” Jayne hissed threw her teeth. She calmly walked away and I watched as she sat under the tree I saw her under last night. I looked back at Damon and he was staring at her, “You know” I leaned against the rail, “she basically hates you.”
He scoffed, “She will change her mind.” He was so cocky that I wanted to hit him. I wanted to physically hurt him. I guess mentally or emotionally will do. I looked at him and glared, “You know, you shouldn’t be so cocky.” He laughed and I turned to go after Jayne. I stopped when I reached the stairs and looked at him, “I’m sure she can hurt you, but just so you know, if she doesn’t hurt you… I will.” He stopped wide eyed at me.
He pursed his lips, “You love her? Let me guess, you’ve known her for a day or so? You fell hard didn’t you?”
I laughed, “No, I’ve known her without her knowing for oh…I say, two weeks.” I laughed, “She is a great person… she is just hard to explain and understand. But unlike you, I wont hurt her.”
He lounged at me and I punched him to the wall. An elderly woman came out and yelled, “SH!” then closed the door. He gagged and I walked away. I saw her laying down eyes closed the sun hitting her in a way that flattered her. Maybe I was in love with her. Her hair had darkened and was cut. She opened her eyes and stared at me. She smiled and took off her jacket, “Sit.” She smiled and patted next to her, “I wont bite.” Oh, yes I was in love with her. I’m falling hard? Maybe…Maybe I am. I sat next to her and thought of her last phrase, maybe I would bite her. I felt a pain in my mouth. I massaged it and it slowly went down. I was hopelessly falling, I was secretly in love.
Jayne’s Pov.
Dane was staring at me. He sat down next to me, “So tonight huh?”
He fidgeted, “Less, its almost dusk.” I sighed and looked towards the sun and watched as everyone practiced. I shook my head, “One will die.” Put my head in my hands and looked up, “We should get ready.” He nodded not seeming to be here. He opened his mouth, “EVERYONE, LETS MEET UP HERE.” Everyone stopped and bolted to us, everyone was here except Ben and Emma who where slower then everyone else. Once they reached us I spoke, “We need our weapons ready and get changed and then we will go to the peak.” Everyone nodded and grabbed their things. I walked to Emma and Ben, “You guys, I just wanted to say thank you… and you don’t need to come.”
“We love you Jayne we wont leave you.” Emma answered and Ben nodded, I hugged them. I was so afraid that I would loose them tonight, loose them forever. I backed up from our little group hug and everyone was emerging again. They all stared at me, “Let’s head up.” Looked at the sky, the battle would start soon, “Ben, Emma. Climb on someone’s back we need to get there as fast as possible.” Damon walked up to me and smiled. I raised an eyebrow and climbed on Dane’s back. I was not going to let Damon touch me, Ben climbed sheepishly on Fran’s back. Emma climbed on my father’s back. Everyone took off, the wind whipped my hair around me. The smell of the sea far away faintly wormed up my nose, Dane hand had a strong grip on me. Granted I had strength, I was not fast enough to run with them. I wished so much to gain that power soon. I knew that I would gain speed, my speed has slowly been turning fast. I hoped today would be my lucky day. We reached the peek within ten minutes. I stayed on Dane’s back until everyone was assembled. I climbed off and straightened myself up. I looked at everyone and Greg set down the bag with everything we needed. I looked at all of them, “Tonight, we fight. We WILL not loose. Blood will be shed, whether it be ours or theirs. We must proceed until this king is dead. If we fail it will be epic, if we fail all we know will be lost.” I walked over to the bad and grabbed a gun and a sword. I pulled the gun to where I would point and shoot. I stuck it in the back of my pants and covered it up. I stuck the sword in a sling I had grabbed, “I want you all to promise me something.” They nodded, “If one must be sacrificed, I will be the one. I do not want any of you guys to loose your lives.” The looked at me, “I want to make sure that it does not go that far, do you promise?” The nodded Emma’s eyes filled with tears, “ Just fight your hardest and help defeat him.”
They nodded and the ground rumbled, Alice was the one who quietly spoke, “Its time.”
“Hide.” Everyone went to hide. Dane was behind me. He laid down on his stomach, I climbed up a tree wishing him a good luck as I went up. I saw Emma and Ben huddled behind a great big bush. A tree was in front of it, I prayed to God to help us and to protect us. The wind grew fierce the earth shook. A line opened and a hideous beast made way. It was dressed in fine clothes. The hairy chest of a man, legs of a animal. Eyes of a bloody lust of a vampire, mouth of a various animal cross of man and beast. He roared and his nose sniffed and growled, “Mortals not just immortals.” He walked towards Emma and Ben, he hunched over. I was about to spring when Damon jumped out, bringing forth Aiden, Aliss, Gen, and Carter. It ripped around and boomed with laughter, “So you unfroze her, lets get this over with.” They simotantionaly attacked. Ben and Emma shook and I felt a twinge of guilt. Dane, Greg, Fran, and my father came forth. All fighting. Dane looked at me and mouthed ‘stay’ I did as told and watched as they all fought. The King kicked them all aside and laughed as they all panted and couldn’t move, “THAT’S ALL YOU GOT! I THOUGHT YOU HAD A PROTECTOR! I THOUGHT I WOULD-”
I shot him with the gun and loaded it as he whimpered in pain. I put it back and jumped down. I landed in a crouch, fist in the ground, “Yeah, I am here. Name is Jayne, yours?” I smiled as he bared his teeth, lips quivering . He swung and I grabbed the sword and slashed, “You never answered.” I taunted him. He kept swing and I kept swiping.
Dane’s Pov.
“You never answered.” Jayne taunted him, she baited him to kill her. He was off today, he kept missing and Jayne kept going faster. She had her sword in hand and he snatched it, he ripped it and shoved it to the side. I wanted to move and help her so much but my limbs where in so much pain. I tried to lift a hand but it slumped down, I looked at Carter and Aiden they where looking at Jayne. I caught Carter’s eye and he just stared. I looked back at Jayne and she took out her gun. She shot it and he dodged, he grabbed the gun and Emma wiggled and grabbed it and went back to hiding. Jayne screamed as he cut her. Her blood pulsed and my vampire side struggled to stay hidden, my wolf side wanted to eat the vampire side. I felt my shirt button pop. I felt my nails grow, my teeth strengthen and grow. Fur rose my back hunch my shirt ripped off and left me in torn pants. I howled and my strength had came back. I no longer looked at Jayne my sense took over. The only thing that kept me some sort of human was my feelings. I howled and lunged for the king.
Jayne’s Pov.
I wiped my blood and heard a howl the king and I both snapped our heads to see Dane change into what he was. He lunged for the king and the king was caught off guard and looked at me, Dane quickly blocked me, “Aw, I see love. Mai amour ne soyez forts! Mai enemys et l'amour réunis. Jamais la femme de revenir, sauf pour l'amour, la haine, et la foi se rejoignent.” (May love never be strong! May enemys and love combined. Never shall the woman come back except for love, hate, and faith come together.)
Dane hunched over me and growled in the Kings direction Damon slowly came forward and stood in front of us, “Enemy present.” The king had cased the spell and it was like lightening, it went straight pass Damon and straight for us. I hugged Dane and buried my face in his chest. I felt hot tears stream down my face. I did not want to die, not now, not when my life is coming together. When I realized the lightening should have hit us I looked up to see a blue bubble around us, it protected us from the spell. I saw Emma take the gun and shoot the king. She slid the gun to him and he whimpered and I got what she wanted I yelled, “KING!” He turned right as the lightening shot out, the reflection bounced to the tree and it fell on him, the branch went right in his heart, he hollered and Emma and Ben ran to him, Ben grabbed the gun and shot him, Emma grabbed one of the pieces of the sword and stabbed him. He slowly stopped moving. As his limp body lay I moved slightly swaying. His body turned to a grey and slowly disappeared. The bubble went away and I fell to the ground on Dane. He panted and slowly fell asleep; as he slept he went back to human form. Aliss ripped into her crossbreed form and finished off the king. I felt Dane under me and Emma and Ben pulling me up and hugging me, it went black then…
- by Dancin In Heaven |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/08/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Secret Love
- Artist: Dancin In Heaven
- Description: Okay so this chapter is kind of scrunched together, but hopefully you all like it. Sorry it took so long to post but my computer got a virus but its fixed now. i seriously almost lost the whole story. So yeah
- Date: 11/08/2009
- Tags: secret love
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- Sylve - 11/10/2009
- SO, when are you posting the next chapter?? I liked this one a lot...also, Aliss, Carter, Dan, Gen & Aiden are all Crossbreeds from wolf to Vampire correct? Am I missing someone...
- Report As Spam
- Sylve - 11/09/2009
WOAH!!! Amazing...
And im SOOOOO glad you didn't lose your story. - Report As Spam