• As I'm sitting at the bar, I hear laughter, and know that it is about me. One of the people behind me calls out, "Hey! You in the flame outfit! Flamer! Dude! Are you gay?!?"
    "Leave me alone. I don't want to be bothered. Just, go away..."
    "Hey, I'm talking to you! Don't ignore me!" He says, grabbing my shoulder. I spin around, and launch a fist out. A bright blue flame is unleashed from my glove, but I quickly regain control and inhibit it's size. He jumps back.
    "I told you I wanted to be left alone", I say as I proceed to leave, and hear the man talking to some of his friends about me again:
    "... Yeah, he's so gay that he couldn't even hit me with that match he lit! He's such a wuss!"
    Upon hearing this, I, once again, turn and unleash the blue flame, this time shooting across the room, singing his clothing. It becomes very quiet, and I leave...