The Return Of Ganon, part 7
“You’re alive!” Max exclaimed as he ran up to me and gave me a hug. However, I did not return the gesture. Max looked taken aback. “What’s wrong Cassie?” asked Max, as he straightened the gold band on my head, I had changed back into my normal clothes, sandy colored breeches and tunic, my sword and dagger, and my simple gold crown that was nothing but a thin band.
“Oh let’s not forget who almost killed her!” exclaimed Holmberg, as the little monster scampered over one of the stairs.
“Whoa, look out Cassie that monster has been following you!” yelled Max as he pulled out his sword and took a step toward Holmberg before the little jelm leapt back on my shoulder.
“This is Holmberg ,” I said “He is accompanying me on my journey.” I said, stroking the jelms beautiful fur.
Just then, the ground began to shake, the sky turned black, the air became thick, and a giant red cloud appeared.
“Wha-Hah-hah, good job my daughter, now KILL him! Complete your mission!” said a voice from inside the cloud. I turned to the giant cloud,
“No father! I made a mistake taking this mission! I thought I could do it! ….. But I realized that he is such a good person! That you are nothing but an evil, evil man! Do what you want to me, but I won’t kill him!!!!” I screamed at the cloud
“Ha-Ha-Ha, You are feisty, just like I was when I was your age! Just another sign that you’re going to follow in my footsteps!” boomed the voice
“No you’re wrong! I’m never going to be like you, Father!” I yelled
“If you won’t kill him, then I WILL!” boomed the voice again, as the mist began to take shape. Then his form restored, Ganon stepped out of the cloud. Then, he raised his hands and a giant red glowing orb began to glow, when it was the size of a saddle, he flicked his wrist and flung it at Link.
“Look out Link!” I yelled as I jumped in front of him and put a deep purple shield in front of us. The red orb made contact with the magical wall and disappeared.
“What and who are you!!” Link yelled at me, shoving me to the ground, drawing his sword, and pointing it at my throat.
“Wha-Hah-Hah, so you haven’t told the hero who you are, or about your powers? Maybe I should just watch him cut your throat!” Chuckled Ganon
“You haven’t answered my question!” yelled Link as he pressed his sword closer to my throat.
“Ugh, to start I’m a princess with magical cells inside me that allow me to control magic, daughter of one of the goddesses, also daughter of one of the evilest people ever known, and someone you’ll probably never trust again!” I yelled, as I raised my hands above his sword and took his hands and concentrated on protecting him “Sorry to do this Link, but it’s for your own good!” I yelled, as I put a purple bubble around Link and started to move him away from Ganon and me.
“Cassie, look out!” Yelled Max as he ran over to me and helped me up. As soon as I was up, I was on the move. As I made my way over to Link, Ganon was firing orb after orb at the bubble, but they were absorbed into the shield. But then, with one final effort Ganon made a giant blue and red orb and flung it at Link. I got in front of the bubble and put up a giant dark magic shield. But the orb went through the shield, past me, into the bubble and hit Link. With one final laugh, Ganon disappeared.
“No! It can’t be true!” I yelled as I stared at Link’s motionless body that lay in the cold sand of the desert, my desert, my kingdom.
“He’s…..Dead Cassie.” Said Max with an expressionless face as he stood.
“No! There has to be a way!” I yelled at him, as I started to sob.
“Cassie! You’re crying! You know the risk that comes with that!” exclaimed Max “If an evil soul got a hold of those magical tears…. They could destroy the world!” he said hugging me, but I freed myself and turned my back to him.
“Go get me my spell book, the green one!” I told Max. When he returned I flipped to the back, “I’ve wondered how I was supposed to open the sealed section, I finally know how to.” I said, as I let a tear slide down my cheek, then I wiped the tear on the Triforce on my hand than I placed my hand on the page and it began to glow. I flipped to the section that was supposed to help me bring Link back. My Triforce began to glow and by looking at the page I could tell that this was what I needed... I walked over to Link and dropped to my knees beside him. I gently picked up his right hand and placed one of tears in the center of the Triforce. It began to glow. Link stirred he looked up and glared at me, he tried to wrench his hand from mine but I said, “Don’t break contact with me… or you’ll be dead again.”
“Ugh leave me be, I won’t believe anymore of your lies!” Link shouted, but didn’t try to take his hand from mine again
“All I brought you back for right now is for you to take a gift that is mine that I don’t deserve.” I said, and then I closed my eyes as my body began to shimmer and fade, as I said. “Link hero chosen by the goddesses, I possess the gift of life! Please except this gift, as I pass it on to you!” With that I felt myself fade completely and rise up toward the heavens. But I stopped my sprit and watched Link. In about a minute he opened his eyes and sat up and drew his sword.
“Where is Cassie?” he asked, his face and voice filled with hate.
“She’s gone.” Whispered Holmberg
“Where did she go?” roared Link, slashing his sword through the air.
“She’s dead.” Said Max through tears
“What?” asked Link, slowly lowering his sword
“You heard what he said.” Said Holmberg
“What did Ganon do to her?!” Said Link
“Ganon didn’t do anything to her, it was YOU Link, SHE gave HER life force to YOU so YOU would live, she didn’t even think about herself!” Yelled Max, as he scooped up Holmberg and began to pet him “It’s your entire fault! If you wouldn’t have freaked and put a sword to her throat when she saved your life, she wouldn’t have to have put that bubble on you by force and you wouldn’t have struggled and moved it toward Ganon. Then she would have got to you and teleported you somewhere else safe, and she would still- be- alive!” said Max. I brought down my sprit as my mother said in my head
“Daughter, us goddesses can go back and walk on land to complete one thing that we have left unfinished, but when that task is done, you must return to the heavens, do you understand, daughter?” asked Din
“Yes mother and I’d like to use that privilege now.” I said
“So be it!” said my mother, as I felt my sprit getting heavier and heavier as I sunk towards Hyrule. When I touched the ground, Holmberg jumped out of Max’s arms and went up to his place on my shoulder. Max and Link both looked at me with tear stained faces
“Cassie?” asked Max. I smiled and nodded my head.
“Yup, guess that there’s some up sides to being magical.” I said, as I took a step toward Max. Max also took a step forward as he outstretched his hand and touched the deep purple amethyst stone on my forehead.
“That’s new.” He whispered softly
“That’s something a goddess receives when she is walking the earth for the last time.” Said four voices, one sounded a million years old with wisdom, one brave, and two full of power. We all turned to see my aunts Naru: goddess of wisdom, Favore: Goddess of courage, my mother Din: goddess of power, and my father, Ganon the evilest man alive and bearer of the Triforce of power
The Return Of Ganon, part 7
the seventh chapter
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