There are other forces out there other than human. Some of us know, but then their knowledge ends up killing them, and they wish they had never net love. I am one of those people, but he says I'm not going to die. For some reason I don't believe him, and his family. I feel sort of like Bella with the Volturi but living and becoming something new isn't an option for me. I'm going to be forced to lose my new found love. It hurts to know that he will live in the animal kingdom and the human world while I will be murdered for knowing. Knowing a lot, but anticipating too little. This is the story of the beginning and the end.
"Adrenalyn!" yelled my mom. I hated my name, i was teased for it, and my name was used in class all the time.
"Yes mom?" i answered.
"Tony's here."
I smiled at his fake name. His real name was Neklikei. I love how it rolled off my tongue as i said it. "I'll be down in a minute."
I shoved on some black skinny jeans, black doc martens, and a gold tank top. I rushed down stairs, and i loved how Neklikei's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he saw me.
"Hey hon." he said, and kissed my smiling mouth. "Nice look." he growled in my ear.
"Hey, mom in the room." my mom said with a smile.
"Sorry mom. We're going hiking today." i informed her.
"You're hiking?" my mom snorted.
"Yes, I'm hiking." i lied. I was actually going to sit on Neklikei's back while he ran with his family.
"Wow, nice job Tony."
He smiled at the name just as i had done. "Thank you ma'am. Now we need to be going."
"Okay, bye kids."
"Bye." Neklikei and i chorused.
We got into the car, and headed to his house to gather up the family.
I walked into the house, and instantly Becca and Rebecca were on top of me.The twins liked going by human names all the time.
"Oh my--" said Becca.
"Gosh. We're so--" Rebecca said.
"Excited!" they both squealed at the same time.
"I can see that." i giggled.
"This run is the same as every other run." Neklikei said in a bored voice.
"Noooooo." the twins chorused.
"This time--" said Becca.
"Mom and dad--" Said Rebecca.
"Said that Leliknae has to--"
"Stay!" they said.
Just then Lelknae walked in. "Shut up before i eat you."
"Eeeeeeew!" they cried and ran away.
Those girls have no idea how to shut up." Leliknae growled.
Only in death is something truly quiet. Something whispered in my ear.
"Neklikei stop whispering in my ear!" i complained.
"I didn't say anything."
"But....but.....never mind." i caved.
Then we all set off. I sat on Neklikei's back, and laughed as the wind whipped my face.
We all stopped at a field. Neklikei threw me off his back, and i landed in the grass.
There were dark silhouettes across the field. Slowly one by one the family of shapeshifters i had come to know to well turned into their human forms.
The dark forms moved towards us. "She knows too much." said a husky voice on the left.
"Menvelae shut up." said a breathy woman's voice on the right.
"Hush." said a quiet smooth voice in the middle.
I stood up, and hid behind Neklikei. He put a protective arm around me in response.
"The Deldonsaeko family!" said the voice in the middle. "We welcome you. We have been waiting for you. If you remember we warned you about the girl just a moon ago."
"They've already visited!?" i yelled.
"Andrenalyn, we'll talk about this later." he whispered.
"No, we'll talk about this now!" i replied.
"You can't make me be quiet."
Death can. the whisper voice said.
"Be quiet."
"No!" i screamed.
"Fine. Yes, they came before, but i didn't tell you because we were supposed to be leaving."
I almost felt my world fall down. "Why?" i asked.
"Because they were going to kill you."
"I thought love was a word not an action." i whispered. "It turns out you don't care." tears started to fall. "I don't want to see you ever again." Then i walked out on him.
"Arenalyn!" called the lead voice, but i kept walking until i reached the forest.
I walked until my feet went numb, i didn't stop. There was a wolf in front of me, but i ignored it. If it was Naklikei i didn't want to see him, but if it was a real wolf i hoped it would kill me and save me the trouble.
I tripped, fell, and didn't move. I cried, and gasped as i felt my heart being teared apart.
Then i heard someone walk up to me, and crouched down by me.
"Honey? Why are you on the ground?" asked the whisper voice only i knew who it was. My father.
I sprang up, and hugged him. "Daddy." i sobbed.
"Why are you on the ground?" he repeated.
"Love is horrible." i cried.
Then i remembered, my dad had died about a year ago. I jumped away from him. "Sweetie." he whispered.
"Get away from me!" i screamed.
"I'm a shapeshifter, and you're a half shapeshifter."
My world turned black, and i passed out.
He Left Me Alone.
Little Milkflower
Inspirational outburst!
I have no idea what brought this on, but then again do i ever? lol
If you've read some of my other stories in the Arena [which i hope you have or will] you'll notice that i love sad romances and death this one is probably the same.
This story has some parts that are close to Twilight, and i want to make it clear i am not taking ownership!
I will finish it, but i wanted to leave you hanging sorry people. :)
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