• Akira: The Darkness Part 12
    Nijix and I started to walk again towards the village, I think we have stayed in the same spot for hours. It was a nightmare, you know where you’re like walking in circles FOREVER, well this is it!
    “ Nijix are we there yet? My legs are tired, and I got cramps.” I told Nijix as I grunted in pain. Nijix rolled his eyes.
    “ Please tell me you are NOT pmsing! I don’t want to be attacked by one of your mood swings. “ Nijix laughed. I think he was trying to be funny, but instead of laughing I yelled at him.
    “ SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING SILVER HAIRED LITTLE BOY!!! IF WE DON’T GET TO THE VILLAGE I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR a**!!!” I screamed on the top of my lungs, I took huffs and puffs. Nijix stared at me wide mouthed and bug eyed, I blinked and I was up against a tree with Nijix’s hand around my neck. I coughed.
    “ Say that one more time, I don’t play around at all. “ Nijix voice was clear but ruff. Is he sure he is not a vampire cause he sure does act like one.
    “ I’m not a vampire for the last time. You learn a trick or two when your nearly killed every day since childhood. Now, don’t go yelling at the guide, because he just might leave innocent little GIRLS alone in the scary forest, and WON’T come back. “ Nijix’s hand slipped away from my neck , he messed with his silver hair like he did something wrong. But he recovered quickly and kept walking north. I coughed again but we were both silent for the rest of the walk.

    ~1 Hour Later~
    I saw village lights just ahead, accompanied by the smell of trash, men and thieves. Oh what a wonderful life. Nijix walked to the gate, the guards bowed to him. Nijix said something and pointed at me. The guards nodded, me and Nijix went ahead into the Dark Sky Village. A memory smacked me right in the face, I stood completely still. Nijix stopped and looked back.
    “ Akira, come on we need to go book a room at the bar, and I need to do some shopping for supplies.” Nijix told me but I totally ignored him.
    “Tiyo-san. I wish you were here to see your home.” I breathed the words before I could even stop them. The guards jerks there heads at the name Tiyo. One placed a hand on my shoulder, but not roughly.
    “ Miss, did you say Tiyo?” The guard asked me. My mouth had a mind of its own now.
    “ Yes.” I told the guard, my mind kept saying hurt him but my heart said talk.
    “ Tiyo was our prince. He went missing over 7 years ago, d-do you know where he is?”
    Akira fell down to her knees.
    “ A prince?! Tiyo-san was a prince?!! He was to nice to be one!” My little girl voice rang in my head.
    “ He…is dead. He was my only friend, we both were in the slave trade. The king of another land was jealous of him and told them to kill him. So much blood….Tiyo-san. “ I blurted out, unable to control myself. Nijix stood there wide eyed again. Several people heard me. They all stood still, there heads hung low they were grieving. Nijix helped me up but my legs wouldn’t walk, so he carried me. I laid my head on his shoulder, my hair spilling all over my face.
    “ I want Tiyo-san.” I was in my own world, a world where I was a little girl again, before the slave trade. Nijix went on with it.
    “ I’m here little kira. I’m here. “ Nijix told me, but I thought he was Tiyo-san. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
    “ Tiyo-san, I missed you. “
    ~Nijix’s mind~
    “ I missed you to kira.” I just went along with it, I don’t know if Akira was going through something or going crazy. I just went along with it. I booked us a room at the bar. I walked in the room there was just one bed, I laid Akira down on the bed and she fell asleep. I laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. Wondering:
    “ Who the hell is Tiyo-san?” Excuse my French?