• It’s a dark and snowy night. Looking through the foggy window, not much can be seen. However you can still make out a figure standing out there in the dark. The dim street light outlines the figure standing there, I‘m guessing it’s a man judging by how his figure looks. I wonder who it could be, out at this kind of time. It’s getting late, whoever it is he’d ought to be safe. I can just pray for his safety.
    I can think of many love stories just like this in novels that I have read. But I know that will never happen. It’s just like high school, I used to dream of my first day. Walking onto the campus and being the center of attention, the new girl that gets every guys attention and is a perfect student. I even dreamed that my love life would be amazing; with a handsome guy that just sweeps me off my feet. And now that I’ve stopped daydreaming I know the truth, its all lies. Only dreams not something that would ever really happen to me. What was I thinking? That kind of stuff only happens in books, hardly ever in real life unless you were just smart, rich, beautiful or lucky enough just to get that. But it was just a dream it couldn’t possibly bring any harm. I turned off the lights and go to sleep unwilling and unprepared for the next day.
    School is just so annoying day after day we learn something “new” isn’t this all the same stuff we learned back in elementary school? I really hate school now, before it wasn’t so bad I actually wanted to go everyday. I just can’t stand it but I have no choice. If I want a bright and successful future I have to get my education and work hard. Maybe I wasn’t meant for this life, it’s just all so annoying. The bell finally rang and I flew out the door. As I was moving I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a guy. For some reason he doesn’t fit, he corrupts my view. And I don’t like this feeling, having him look down at me makes me feel uncomfortable. He scares me. His eyes, I can’t see them very well. I can’t see what color they are. It’s so full of mystery, I can’t describe the feeling I’m experiencing right now. I was being rushed by the people behind me, so I scurried away afraid of what I had just experienced.
    Finally art class. I’ve been waiting all day for this class. It’s so nice to end my day like this. The smell of paints, clay and wood make my head dizzy. But at the same time its all so calming. I sat at an empty table far away in the back of the classroom, away from all distractions. I placed my drawing pad down on the table and opened to an empty page and held the number two pencil in my hand. I feel so relaxed, this is my comfort zone the one place that I can just breathe and let myself go. I took a deep breath and set my to the pad. I don’t know what I’m drawing, I’m just letting it all come to me. Let the moment be my guide. Stroke after stroke, each one seeming more beautiful than the other. When my pencil finally stopped I looked to seen what I had drawn. I was scared, overwhelmed, what had I drawn? What is this? What did I do? Why is this drawing so different from the others that I have done before? This is hideous. I reached for my eraser. Quickly, I tried to erase the horror I had drawn.
    ‘GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM MY PAD!” I screamed.
    A hand reached out and grabbed it from me. Preventing me from erasing my hideous drawing. My eyes opened wide. I couldn’t believe that someone was stopping me. I looked up and saw him. My eyes opened more. I was so scared I screamed. The last thing I remember was seeing his face as I fainted and fell into his arms. I hated every moment of it. I wished it was all just a dream and that none of this actually happened. And everything went black.
    Then her eyes started to open.