• I was in my house, my mother and I where the only people there. I wait till my other sister's Nicole and Sara come home. My dad is the first then Nicole then Sara. We sit a the dinner table eating. I went to bed. The next morning my dada woke me up. I had to go to work with him it's shadow day.(that's when you obvserve another person's job.) I'm in my dad's car...Draving. Finally where there. All the people saw me. They stared i wish they wouldn't. The people torcherd me. they slapped me if I didn't listen what they told me to do. Then finally they told me to delete all of my dad's 100 page's on the computer. I told them no. Y-your useing me i said in a soft voice. w-why, we want your dad fired so we don't have to do so much work. That's the point of life you stupid head life is to make so many choces and chose to be in the milatary so deal with it I screamed. He picked me up as i was screaming. I think my dad herd me because i herd he's voice. Bella, The man ran with my whille i was still screaming. We were in the kitchen he got a knife and stabbed me with it. Pain I never felt so much pain in my life I screamed whille he was stabbing me over and over again. my dad finally tracked my scream down and saw the man stabbing me. Me dad's eye's got all watery and took the knife out of the man hand and my dad stabbed him. I was dead when I went into the hospital. I was in hevan how it looked pritty in there I wish my family was here with me

    The End