• What is the Dog to everyone that has the Dog for their Chinese Horiscope? Do they dread having a flea bag? Do they wish they had the cat? Or the Dragon? Or the Tiger? Or the Monkey? Or the Boar?
    I was a member of the zodiac. The Dog. The fleabag. The begger. The common house hold pet...
    It has been said that I'm not the only one that has the spirit of a zodiac animal sealed in their soul... But I have never met anyone else... So I had began to doubt it terribly.
    I can turn into my zodiac animal with just the slightest wish to, or if my temper gets out of control. Then I go poof and turn into the Dog...
    {I know this sounds a lot like Fruits Basket. Thats because I have based this story after the show. I hope none of you are angry that I have done this. But the main charecters, and all my other ones, are not the real ones from the original anime show. I have created new ones so I could do this without receiving too many hateful comments. I have also twisted a few of the rules. It is no longer the saying that if you hug a member of the zodiac, and your the opposite sex, they will turn into the their zodiac animal. That is no longer the case. Forgive me.}
    The sun was hidden behind clouds and casted a dark shadow on the area. Making everyone feel dreary and like they just wanted to take a nap. It could even darker their day.
    But not me. It made my day better. I like days where its dark and dismal. I dont know why. I just enjoy it.
    I stood under a tree and watched as people walked down the cracked conqreted street.
    A few people would look up, see me, and then walk even faster. Trying to get away from me as fast as they could.
    No one knew about the zodiac curse, no one else but the family members of the poor zodiak soul carriers of course.
    So when my mother found out from my father she was terrified and left my father all alone. So I lived alone with my dad and his new girlfriend. Who also does not know about the zodiac. And knowing dad he'll wait till the honey moon, if there is one, to tell the dumb broad. She was rather dense and probably didnt know the difference between a cat and a dog. So she was an idiot to me. I would say hello and walk away from her. Trying to stay as far away as possible.
    My dad has told me stories about other members of the zodiac almost all the time. But I have never met any of them. Supposedly their spread all over the globe and just waiting for us all to meet each other. I doubt we ever will.
    He was so proud to know that he had finally brought a zodiac child into the world. And thought I would be something mighty like the Dragon or the Tiger, or the Horse.
    But no. I was the Dog. The flea bag. The house pet.
    A tall woman had a Dog chained up and locked up outside of a book store while she ate food and read a novel pleasently. Barely even noticing her dog waiting for her loyally outside. Being an honorable pet.
    I sighed and started to cross the street.
    The dogs thoughts were loud and confident. "She'll be back out soon. I know she will. She wont leave me out in the rain. She loves me too much." He says to himself still wagging his tail.
    I smiled. "Are you sure about that?" I say to him in my head.
    He turned his head and looked around for another dog. "Who said that? Was it a cat?"
    I laughed and patted his head. "No. It was me." I think.
    He jumped and sniffed my hand. "No. Your a human. Humans cant hear me."
    I shrugged. "Are you sure?"
    He sneezed.
    "Bless you." I smile kneeling down and scratching under his neck.
    "What are you? Some kind of dog whisperer or something?" He asks wagging his tail in delight to how good I was at scratching.
    "No. I'm a member of the zodiac." I say tilting my head.
    "Oh... I wont ask questions. Just keep scratching." He says tilting his head up so I could get the spot he wanted.
    I laughed knew exactly where he wanted. Under his collar.
    "Do you really believe that your human wont leave you out in the rain? She seems to love that bagle more then she loves you." I say cocking an eyebrow.
    He stopped wagging his tail. "I know... She always leaves me outside... I can never go anywhere she does... Because its always no dogs aloud."
    I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. "Poor, pooch. I'm sorry. I'll get her." I say pulling away and standing up.
    He started wagging his tail madly. "Really? You would do that? For me? Really?"
    I smiled and walked into the store. I turned and looked at the woman. My eyes filled with anger. "Are you really going to leave your poor dog in the rain? How cruel." I say to myself before walking up behind her.
    She turned around looked up at me in curiousity. "Uhm... Can I help you?"
    I pointed to my friend outside the store. "Will you please your dog inside? Its going to rain in less then..." I looked out side and sure enough, thanks to my nose, it started to rain.
    The woman jumped and her eyes filled with shock. "How did you-?"
    I put my finger on her lips and glared at her. "Just bring my friend in before I take him instead." I said turning back to the door.
    She jumped up and followed me. "Hey! Wait a second!"
    I pushed open the door, ignoring her. I turned to the dog and smiled. "I told you I would get her." I say waving and walking up to him.
    The woman ran out after me. "Hey. I'm talking to you."
    I kneeled down to the dog and winked. "See?" I whisper patting his head and walking past him.
    He wagged his tail and watched me walk away. "Thank you."
    I turned around and waved again. "See ya, buddy."
    He barked and turned to his human next.
    She watched me with confusion on her face.
    What a stupid look...

    The rain drenched me to the bone, but felt good against my skin.
    I opened the front door and shook the rain off like a Dog would.
    My dad was in the kitchen opening a can of green beans.
    I smiled. "Hello."
    He waved and went back to opening the can.
    The scent of his mate made my nose ache against the strength of her perfume.
    I winced and covered my nose. "God, I thought I told her not to put so much of that crap on." I hiss taking my shoes off.
    He smiled. "Sorry. She doesnt listen."
    I sighed and took off my sweat shirt. "Yeah, yeah... I know. She's like a cat."
    "How am I like a cat?" Says a high pitched voice from across the room.
    I jumped. "Ah!" I shout hiding behind my dad. "Scary lady." I whisper.
    He laughed. "Dont make her hate you this early, Deven."
    I looked over his shoulder and saw her glaring at me. "Too late, I guess."
    He pinched his nose. "You smell like wet dog. Go take a shower."
    "And putting me in more water will make me smell better how?" I hiss poking his shoulder blade.
    He jumped and laughed again. "Fine. Dont take a shower. But when Sheilla complains dont whine to me."
    I growled.
    He turned around and looked at me sternly. "No growling. Thats bad." He scorned me.
    I glared at him, wrinkling my nose in anger. "Dont talk to me like a dog." I mumble.
    He shook his head and went back to making dinner. "Fine. Just take a shower."
    I sighed and walked away. "Fine, fine. What ever." I grumble walking past the angery cat woman and into the bathroom.
    She turned around and glared at me. "How am I like a cat?"
    I glared back at her, daring to face the evil cat woman. "You dont listen, you dont shut up and your just as dumb as one." I say shutting the door in her face.
    She gasped and started ranting at me.
    I locked the door and smiled in success. "I cant hear you. The radio's up too loud." I lie turning the radio on really loud.
    So she started screaming louder and banging on the door.
    I burst into laughter and started to take off my shirt. "What a dumb peice of-."
    "Deven!" My dad boomed.
    I jumped and fell over, landing on my butt hard. I winced and sat up. "Ouch! What!?"
    "Someone's here for you." He says his voice more relaxed.
    I sighed and walked out without a shirt on. "Who is it?" I ask wrubbing my butt.
    Someone with short white hair with the ends dyed black stood in the houses door way.
    I looked at him in confusion. "Uhm... Can I help you?"
    He looked up and eyed me over. "Are you Deven?"
    I nodded. "Yeah. And you are?" I ask cocking an eyebrow.
    My dads cat coman walked in from the living room and her eyes grew wide. "Who is he?" She asked with large hearts forming in her pupils. {Not really}
    My dads eyes twitched as he grew jealous of the boy.
    "Hm... You dont look anything like I imagined." He says walking up to me.
    I took a step back.
    But he already seemed to know I would do so. He put his hand on my neck and pulled me into his arms. His face only inches from mine. "But I can get used to that." He smiled before forcing his lips to mine.
    I jumped and tried to push him away.
    He let me go and licked over his lips. "Not bad."
    My temper grew and I glared at him. "What the hell!?"
    He smiled again and took a step back. "Whats wrong?"
    I growled at him.
    My dads mate gasped. "What was that? Is there a dog in here?" She said looking around the room.
    The boy grinned. "I see she doesnt know about the zodiac."
    I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you talking about?"
    "You know what I'm talking about. Because your a member of the zodiac. And so am I." He said crossing his arms over his chest.
    "Oh really?" I say teasing him. "What animal are you?"
    Smoke suddenly filled the area he had been standing in.
    I gasped and stepped back. "What the?"
    My dads mate shreiked and ran out of the room.
    I ingored her and watched as a black and white cat appeared on the floor. "Your a... cat?"
    His tail flickered. "Obviously."
    "I knew you seemed a little cocky and self centered." I teased glaring at him.
    He stood up and curled his tail. "Shut up."
    "So... Your the cat..."
    "And your the dog." He says wrubbing his cheek against my leg. "I can see up your boxers." He purred.
    I jumped and stepped away from him again. "You perverted fur ball!"
    He laughed and transformed into his human form again. Becoming totally naked.
    My face went red and I covered my eyes. "Ack! Warn me next time your going to do that!"
    He laughed again.
    "What the hell are you doing here!?" I boom.
    He shrugged. "I just moved here and saw you were going to my school. So I thought I would drop in and say hello. So, hello." He waved bending over and grabbing his clothes.
    "Then why the hell did you kiss me, moron!?" I burst feeling about ready to kick him in the nads.
    He smirked and started putting his clothes on. "To see how you would react."
    "To see how I would react!? Thats it!?" I growl.
    He stood up straight, looking me right in the eye. "Do you want me to do it again?"
    I blushed and looked away. "Hell no."
    He chuckled and went back to putting his clothes on. "Oh. I see."
    My dad stood there with his jaw hanging only inches from the ground and his eyes bugging out. "Wah... Wah... Wah..." He kept saying.
    "I cant wait to see you at school." He said pulling his skinny jeans up to his waist.
    "I think I can wait." I hiss.
    He laughed and buttoned them up. "I'm sure you can."

    The next day at school I talked with my friends as we waited for the day to start.
    I hadnt told anyone about yesterday, because I know they would tease me till I blew up and turned into my zodiac animal. Which I havent done in a long time.
    The teacher came in and sat down at his desk. "Alrighty class. How was your weekend?"
    I turned to him and felt my face go red.
    The guys laughed. "Something wrong, Deven?"
    I jumped and shook my head. "Oh! No... Nothing... How about you guys? Anything happen during your weekend?" I ask turning to Mick who always has something to talk about. I'm serious, if you get him started on something he wont quit till he's pleased with himself. I think he just likes to hear himself talk or something.
    He grinned. "You guys know Mallisa right?"
    We all nodded, interested in what he had to say.
    "Well, she asked to come over to her house so I could help her with her home work right? And when I got there her parents home or anything, so when we got into her bed room she told me to sit on the bed while she went to go get something."
    Oh crap...
    "When she got back she wasnt wearing any clothes!" He burst, his face going red and his nose starting to bleed.
    I sighed and stopped listening.
    But all the other guys wanted to hear more about the situation.
    Just then a firmiliar scent filled the room from outside the class.
    I jumped and ran to the door. "Oh crap." I say to myself trying to hide before he got here.
    The teacher looked at me confused as I ran out of the room. "Deven?"
    I didnt stop, I ran out and looked around, trying to figure out where his scent was coming from.
    S***! Where is it coming from!?
    I sniffed the air and found it coming strongest from my right. I nodded and went left. Trying to keep away from him. My legs moving quickly.
    Mallisa walked past me and grinned. "Hey, Deven." She waved.
    I nodded and kept running.
    I just have to hide till the scent lightens and I know he's gone. I tell myself still running.
    A suddenly flash of white went past my eyes.
    I jumped and felt my shirt being pulled really hard. Yanking me to a stop.
    "You run past me and your not even going to say hello?" Says a firmiliar voice.
    I spun around and froze. "Y-you?" I ask pointing at him.
    People around us stared in amazement.
    He smiled and let my shirt go. "Yes. It is I. Your great friend from yesterday." He teased grinning.
    I glared at him. "Shut up, you stupid cat. Who said we were friends?" I growl.
    He put his finger under my chin and tilted it upwards, closer to his. "I did."
    I blushed and slapped his hand away. "I thought both people had to say they were friends before one of them just started going around saying they were friends, when in reality they other person didnt like their supposed new friend." I growl.
    He narrowed his bright green eyes at me. "Your so insensitive! How can you call yourself even close to human!?" He hissed. {He didnt hiss like a cat}
    "At least I dont go around announcing I'm friends with someone when I'm really not!" I boom.
    "You stupid dog!"
    "Stupid cat!"
    He bared his teeth at me.
    I jumped. "You wouldnt."
    "I would."
    I felt a bolt of cold run down my spine. "Fine. I give up. What do you want?"
    He smirked evilly. "I want you to be my friend."
    My eye twitched. "Friend?"
    "Thats all." He said putting his hands on his hips.
    I sighed. "Fine. We're friends. Just... dont kiss-."
    He grabbed my shoulders and forced my face to his.
    Girls around us squeeled and the guys gagged and had revolted looks on their faces.
    I jumped and tried to push him away.
    His warm lips against mine were inviting and almost seemed to calm me down. Almost...
    He let me go.
    I fell back and hit the ground hard. "What was that!?"
    He kneeled down and offered me his hand. "A replay of yesterday."
    Girls faces were red and guys faces were green or really white.
    My friends voice rang out into the room. "What the hell!?" He shouted.
    I jumped and spun around. "Sid? It isnt what it looks like. I promise. I dont even know him. I just met him." I say standing up and pleading.
    He grimaced at me. "Thats gross, dude."
    I shook my head. "No. You dont get it. He kissed me. I didnt even-."
    Sid waved his hand at me, gesturing for me to go away and shut up.
    My heart went cold and I felt like I was being pushed away by everyone in the entire school.
    I swallowed and tried to give it my last go to try and save my friendship. "I dont even like him. You know I dig girls. You've seen me get excited by pictures and stuff. You know me." I beg.
    He just waved his hand again.
    Everyone of my friends stared at me in amazement and/or disgrace.
    I swallowed and looked at the floor. "I get it. Fine..." I say turning around.
    The cat boy smiled.
    I didnt look at him, I kept my eyes on the floor. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go kill myself now." I say walking past him, hitting him in the shoulder hard with my own.
    He turned around and grabbed my hand. "Hey, wait up."
    I swipped my hand away. "Leave me alone, stupid cat." I hiss.
    He gasped and took a step back. "But..."
    I spun around and glared at him. "I hate cats. Their useless. They dont listen and never shut the hell up. I hate them. The only thing their good for is eating rats. But even rats are better then stupid cats." I say.
    His eyes filled with tears. "What?"
    I narrowed my eyes at him. "You heard me."
    He swallowed and clenched his fists. "Are dogs any better?"
    "They guard the ones they care for." I grumble.
    "Why are they talking about dogs and cats?" A girl with long blonde hair asked a girl next to her.
    My life is over... I think to myself.
    "So... Cats can never take care of someone they care for? Is that what your saying?" He asks his voice cracking.
    I looked at him. "Not exactly, but that too."
    He nodded and sniffled. "I see." He turned away from me, starting to walk away. "I'm sorry I've caused you trouble, Deven. You wont have to see me anymore."
    I reached to grab his black sweat shirt sleeve. "Wait a second."
    He spun around and snatched my hand, pulling me behind him.
    I jumped, but didnt pull away.

    He led me to a supply closet where no one was around, and where no one would see us. He shut the door and turned the light bulb on.
    I looked at him, not caring what happens next. My heart was colder then ice now, and I didnt care what people thought, even though it hurt.
    My life was now hell, and I couldnt go back to stop it.
    I didnt hate the cat. I liked him because he was a member of the zodiac and now I knew I wasnt alone or I wasnt the only one with this curse. But I also had a few things against him now. He had kissed me in front of everyone, which made people think I was weird and tried to stay away from me.
    He pushed me against the wall and kissed my neck.
    I didnt react, I just let him do what he wanted.
    He ran his tongue along the skin and panted.
    It felt warm and was pretty good, but I still didnt feel like reacting much.
    He put his hands on my hips and he kissed all along my jaw line.
    What is my life going to be like after this?
    He kissed my lips and looked into my dazed eyes. "Deven?"
    I looked at him. "Huh...?"
    "Are you going to be okay?" He asks with worry in his teared up eyes.
    I sighed and nodded. "I'll be fine..." I lie.
    He nodded and kissed my forehead. "I'll try to protect you, Deven. Even cats sometimes be obediant, you know?"
    I beg to differ...