• The loud beep of my alarm clock shook me. I hated Monday mornings. It's the start of another boring week. And what made it worse was that is was the start of school again. Ugh. I shut the alarm off and got up to take a nice, warm shower. When I got to the shower, a sudden blindness hit me. Everything was black, like it was in my dream. Then a foggy picture appeared. It was Jane. Then my head started to hurt. It felt as if my head had its own pulse. Then, out of nowhere, it stopped. It felt like nothing happened. That was odd. Why would a picture of Jane pop up in my head? Oh well. I guess I should forget about it.
    I started down the stairs after my shower. Of course, no one was there. I always had breakfast by myself. Mom would be getting ready for work and i would be eating the breakfast. My dad would be on his way from his gravyard shift. So here I am, all alone. But I guess it was okay. I had a toasted bagel with a thick layer of cream cheese. After, I made sure that everything I needed was in my Jansport backpack.
    "Ready for your first day of 7th grade, Sam?"
    I turned around. With no surprise it was my mother. "Yeah, I guess." I said.
    The ride to school was the same boring ride. The only sound yo u could hear was the sound of the radio. We pulled into the school.
    "Well have a good day Sam. I love you!" My mother yelled out the window. I pretended that I couldn't hear her. Well, here we go again...
    Walking in the halls I found myself staring at a girl. She looked very familiar. Then, with a hard look, I found that it was Jane. How could she be here? I was positive that was her. I went up to her, like I did in my dream. "Jane?" I asked.
    "Do you remember me? From my dream?"
    "What dream?" She asked.
    "The one when your mother died. Don't you remember?" How can she not remeber?
    "Um....I gotta go." She ran away.
    Ugh, I guess school would be weird.