• At approximately 2 A.M January 1st the Aryan’s attacked our city. It all happened very fast. People started screaming and running. But there were so many of the Aryan's... Helena and I were almost trampled by a group running from one. I managed to push Helena into an alley and jumped in behind her. We could hear people screaming everywhere. The sky was a bright orange from all the fires that had started and there were explosions coming from all over.

    A group of people ran screaming by the alley. They were being chased... "Vincent where are we going to go?" Helena pulled on my sleeve and I looked down at her. She looked terrified. I was to but I wasn’t going to show her. Suddenly we heard a crash behind us. Helena screamed and I pushed her out of the way just in time as an Aryan jumped at us roaring in blood lust.

    I finally got a good look at the thing. It stood well over seven feet tall. It was covered in muscle and it had extremely long, clawed hands. It looked from me to Helena and opened its mouth in a hungry grin. Its teeth were at least 4 inches long each. This Aryan was covered in blood. But it clearly still wanted to eat us. It had blood red eyes that almost seemed to glow...

    I reached down and picked up a metal bar that I assume came from a fence of some sort. It was only about 8 inches long... Just long enough to keep at a range from the Aryan I hoped... "You are one butt ugly excuse for a creature!" I screamed as I charged forward at it. It looked over at me And smiled. I swung hard at its head but it deftly stepped back out of the alley. "Helena! Stay down out of sight!" I yelled over my shoulder as I pursued the Aryan.

    I had to kill it... or it would not only kill me but my sister as well... I would be damned if I was gonna let that happen... I charged forward at the Aryan as fast as I could. It swung a massive clawed hand at me but I ducked and smashed the bar into his left knee then quickly swung at his right. The creature roared in anger and pain and smashed me so hard with a fist I went flying backwards. "Bloody human!" It spat and stood up. To it's full height it had to be close to eight feet tall... I jumped back up and charged at it. It roared at me but I kept charging avoiding its punches and jumped up and brought the bar down on its head as hard as I could and was rewarded with a cracking sound.

    My arms felt a bit numb from the reverberations of the metal hitting such a hard surface. I landed and turned around to look at the creature. It was holding its head and roaring in pain. "Bloody human! I will tear you apart!" He smiled then and said "Then I will eat the little girl while she is still alive." I tightened my grip on the bar and got ready to charge when someone spoke. "Bite me!" The next thing I knew the Aryan collapsed to the ground as His head split in two. "Helena!" Helena looked up at me and smiled. "Just like baseball!" I ran over and grabbed her hand and together we made a mad dash for the city exit.

    The story aint over yet though! Far from it... Look for the next act in Forever and a day (part 1:3)