• My Manga~

    I was standing in the middle of a field surrounded by trees and the blue sky. My long black coat remained still in the small breezes that swept through the trees. Everything seemed timeless. Except for the wind, and the soft footsteps approaching me from behind. Fear started pulsing through my body, making me weaker by the second. I could hear my heart beating in my head, as I remained frozen where I stood. If I ran, they would chase me. If I turned around, they would attack me. If I attacked, they would surly kill me. Everything went black as I I felt a sear amount of pain rip through my body, forcing me to breathe in small gasps. I heard someone scream my name. I forced my eyes open to see a pool of blood at my feet. I applied pressure to my waist with my arms to stop the bleeding, even though I knew it wouldn't help. I felt the blood seep through all of my clothes, until I felt the warm blood on the skin beneath the surface of my bra. My name continued to echo throughout my head, I didn't know who's voice it was. All I did know was that it only made me want to die faster. Cold sweat dripped down the back of my neck as I started to wince and shake from the gash across the front of my body. I tilted my head to look up at the sky through my teary eyes. At that moment, I felt a cold drop of rain land on my forehead and carefully slide down my cheek like a tear. The rain quickly began to fall from the sky and land in my hair. I forced myself to look down at my arms. Rain and blood streamed down my elbows to my wrists, before spilling onto the ground. My legs shook, as a sign of showing that they had no strength left to hold me up any longer. I silently fell to the ground, clutching at my stomach, trying to hold myself together. I tried to control my breathing when I heard my name being screamed one more time before the force of gravity pushed me flat on the ground. I threw my hands out in front of me to break my fall. the ground was warm and wet around me, more blood. The scent filled my nose, and soon filled my head along with the ringing screams. I felt even more pressure being applied on my back, I knew that it was more than gravity. It was someone else. My eyes slowly began to close, as I waited to die. The screams, the scent of my blood, and the strong force on my back continued until a dark silence took over. That's when I knew that I was dead.