A raised hand, lifted towards the sun signifying a new dawn, a new world. The hand covered in blood, a bullet lodged in the bearer who screamed out in pain. A small pistol pointed towards this sun-craver, blasting a piece of metal into his skull. The man with the gun smiled, raised his arm, and licked the end of the chamber. He turned to a soldier next to him, “Make sure none are left.” he rasped out, his voice like a rock scraping against a cheese grater. The man nodded and sped off, talking to a group of other men with rifles. They pointed their guns at a group of people, terrified and screaming, and pulled their death sentence.
The man wandered along the soon to be cemetery, admiring the work of his soldiers. He plucked a single rose out of a planter box with his gloved hand, the only one not covered in crusty blood, sniffing it greatly in one inhale. He let his breath out in a great sigh, still smiling. He loved the smell of roses, so sweet, yet so heavenly. He dropped the rose, it falling gracefully to the ground in a heap of pedals, landing softly, and bouncing slightly. He stepped on the only beautiful thing left in this city, which was now a ravaged wasteland. He walked down the torn road towards the mansion in the center, a Dreamwake lying in the street, its gun muzzle bent from an air strike. The man frowned, what a waste for such a beautiful tank, holes covering it, explosions had blasted through the two foot thick hull. He shook his head and walked on, gun holstered to his black slacks, and hands inside of his black trenchcoat covering him from the cold.
He arrived in the large manor, opening the large double doors to reveal six seats, of which five were taken, papers scattered everywhere, and soldiers running this way and that. He took his seat alongside four men and one woman, he started, “Excuse my being late gentlemen, I had another rebellion to take care of.” He crossed his legs and leaned back.
“You are excused Nordrimous,” One of the men spoke, being an old man, wrinkles adorning his battle ridden face, serious and glaring at Nordrimous, “now back to the matter at hand. This takeover of Nadia can only mean one thing.” He leaned forward on his knees, “We mean war on all of the nations.”
The woman spoke up, “We already decided about this before we invaded.” She furrowed her young brow, “We knew what we were getting into, and we took the chance of attacking the strongest nation in the world in its one point of weakness.” She brushed aside her golden hair from her face, “We need this land. We can’t stay in Tornic forever.”
A bald, tall man shook his head, “General Nayomi, I believe you do not know the severity of our actions. Please let Admiral Meighn speak.”
“Thank you James.” Meighn frowned with his thin lips weakly, “I do know that we all know what we are up against, and it will be a tough road to take. We have already started down the path of war, and we will continue to the end.”
“Let them come! It’s better than sitting around back in the wastelands doing nothing.” Nordrimous said energetically.
“General Nordimous!” A dark skinned, small man yelled at the war hungry general, “We did not start this war for kicks and candy! I do hope you stop acting as if we do this for fun!”
“Calm down Jamius.” Meighn patted his hand down in the air then turned to Nordrimous, “General, if we don’t take this seriously, then I believe we have already failed this endeavor.” He smiled faintly, “Please act as if you think this is important.” He turned to the whole group, “Now, I want Commander Thayne,” He nodded towards the youngest in the group, a youthful, light skinned man, “to take his platoon to Neigii sixty-two kilometers just north of here. While you General Nayomi, take your battalion to Kiris twenty kilometers away from here, and assist Thayne once you are finished.” Both officers nodded their heads, glancing quickly at each other then back at Meighn, “I want you, General Nordrimous, to take your battalion into Skreilee and commence a takeover there while Commander Jamius brings support.” Jamius nodded, glaring at Nordrimous, who was not paying attention in the least, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head. The Admiral looked at James, “I want you to accompany me in the defense, here, while these good officers do their duty. He stood slowly, the other officers standing straight, quickly, and saluting with their two right forefingers put to their left arm, bowing quickly. The Admiral looked at all of them for a few seconds contently then started, “Thank you gentlemen, may you stay safe in the sight of our great and wonderful Emperor Belintra. Good luck.” The group dismissed, going to their separate groups and getting ready for the battles to come.
- Title: The Sunlit Hand (chapter one)
- Artist: LMayo
This is the first chapter of a story I've been writing lately. It's about- well, you'll figure it out, almost kind of like a war story, but not about any real one.
Please enjoy! - Date: 01/28/2010
- Tags: sunlit hand chapterone apocalypse death
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