Gunners #11 Gifts
HellsBound Crisis
Hakuru: not going
Saya: staying…
Yamota: oh come on! You’ll be surprised with you see the real you1
Hakuru: they propably won’t like us
Saya: yeah and whos know, they’ll pretyt much get p***y out
Yamota: yeah! And even so! I heard theres a real you who is gonna have a party!
Hakuru: no you didn’t your just making us go
Kikio: well I heard they’re celebrating Saya’s pregnancy
Saya: Kikio…. There is no way the real me will lose her viringity to some guy…
Kikio: damn!
Maya: oh come on it would be fun
Kasumi: yeah! Like last time when you broke that glass!
Hakuru: oh yeah that time when I broked the forsakened glass which was a hundred years old but it wasn’t even forsaken
Saya: yeah that’s ******** stupid
Hakuru: hey didn’t you say if you see her you’d say mother
Saya: don’t get that to the point Hakuru
Hakuru: hey don’t worry about it I said it too
Mina: come on… lets go already… I wanna verse those guys in a game of texasholdem
Fuka: texas!!!!!
Lilly:can’t wait to find a hadsome man whos rich as!
Kasumi: and lose your virginity to him
Lilly: don’t get that to the subject Kasumi!
Yukina/Yukio: we’re ready
Hakuru: great! Wheres the chopper?
Yukina: right here
The chopper was filled with guns and all sorts of weoponry
Hakuru: …
Saya: …
Yamota: no… ********… way!!!
Kikio: yes ******** way!!! Yeah!!!
Yukina: we call it…
Gunners Chopper Mark ll
Code name: HellFire
Hakuru: hey I like it…
Saya: sweet….
Kasumi: ok then since I know how to ride hellicopters I’ll be the pilot
Yamota: hey look it has a refrigerator
Kikio: with beer and cocktails!
Yamota: and Sake!
Hakuru: lets just… go on with the party…
Meanwhile at the the Sakura mansion
Hakuru: ahh!!!! They’re coming! They’re coming!
Mother: Hakuru! Calm down! Don’t worry! Your mother and I will handle it!
Hakuru: but what if they get mad?!
Father: don’t worry, we have one of the best Gunners who will protect us
Gunners: guesses has arrived sir
Father: yes… proceed
All of the people from famouse industries came and celebrated Hakuru’s party
Saya: Hakuru!
Hakuru: Saya! Glad to have you here
Saya: thank you! Are they here yet?
Hakuru: no not yet but they’re coming alright….
Meanwhile at the chopper
Hakuru: man I can’t believe that we’re going to meet our creators….
Saya: and your sister
Hakuru: I told you… shes not my sister… my other sister is a clone…
Saya: sorry
Hakuru: no its alright
Saya: your face does remind me of someone…
Hakuru: oh really? Who is it?
Saya: I’m not quite sure… that’s why I’m trying to look for that person…
Hakuru: is that so? Well… I’m trying to look for that person as well…
Yamota: you two are chasing ghosts huh?
Hakuru: Yamota?
Yamota: hey guys
Saya: listening to our conversations huh?
Yamota: I can hear you from here
Saya: hm…
Yamota: hey Kasumi! Are we there yet?!
Kasumi: yeah we’re there! Just need to make a landing first!
Hakuru: well time to meet the other me
Saya: you revived her right? So that means things will be alright
Hakuru: they’re all immortal…
Saya: so what… I mean we’re not immortal but we got demons which makes us stop aging
Hakuru: I look like a 16 year old Miku Hatsune seriousely….
(Black Rock Shooter will come out on March 2010 this year!)
Saya: well here we are
Gunner: hello… please come in
Hakuru: hey weren’t you guys gonna pull your guns at us?
Saya: yeah… iu mean you guys hated us right?
Gunner: it was my masters orders to welcome you here
Hakuru: no kidding…
Saya: well lets go in and be respectful…
Hakuru: too bad we didn’t had any respectful clothes on…
Saya: who cares…
They walked in with all the people having fun but then they stopped and looked at them
Hakuru: damn… we shouldn’t have come here…
Saya: damn it Yamota why did you had to drag us along?
Hakuru: not to mention Kikio
Yamota/Kikio: ahh…
Saya: well heres your “creator”
Hakuru: damn…
Father: welcome-
Hakuru: stay away from me….
Father: we mean you no harm…
Hakuru: yeah? What about ten years ago? You send Alucard to kill us, heavens and hells Gunners started to hunt me down, Sukya tried to go and kill me and nevertheless clone me from your own daughters DNA!
Father: we can work things-
Hakuru: no! theres nothing between su we can work things out! Why did you even clone your own daughter? You used your own daughters DNA to make… clones out of us! I didn’t wanted to be born… why the hel lwas I born?
Father: to make you perfect-
Hakuru: no! you didn’t maked us perfect! We were all dying! We were fading away! Saya died because of that! But she came back because of the Hurisha Company! I survived because of her!
Father: so your still mad about the past?
Hakuru: I was always mad…. For nine years being in a forsakened prison in my cell…. Being nothing but a test subject… do I look perfect to you?!
Father: you had the cure didn’t you?
Hakuru: I did…. But still I am a bioweopon… theres nothing to change that…. Nothing can change the past which I had suffered from you….
Father: ……
Hakuru: forget it… I think I might of ruined this party for your daughter… I’m leaving
Saya: I’ve heard enough…
2nd Hakuru/2nd Saya: wait!
Hakuru: hm?
2nd Hakuru: please! Enjoy yourselves!
Saya: hey Hakuru… its.. those real… humans..
Hakuru: real or not… we get to meet them face to face…
2nd Hakuru: surprised to see us?
Hakuru: well… ahh..
Yamota: releax! Lets just party! We didn’t came here for nothing!
Saya: you guys go on ahead…. Umm…. We’ll… need to do some explaining to do…
Meanwhile outside
Hakuru: so we get to meet face to face huh?
Saya: not to mention it they looki exactly like us…. Except the hair…
Hakuru: lets see.. .the real me seems to have… white hair…
Saya: mine has pink hair
Hakuru: yeah I never knew she has pink hair…
Saya: same…
2nd Saya: *are they mocking me…?*
2nd Hakuru: so, enjoying yourselves?
Hakuru: not really…
Saya: nope….
Hakuru: mind if I drink beer
Saya: mind if I take a smoke…
2nd Hakuru: what?! Absolutely not!
The other Saya takes Saya’s cigarret
Saya: hey! That’s my smoke!
2nd Saya: there is no smoking outside of the gardon mansion!
Saya: hey this isn’t even your mansion…
Hakuru: yeah… can I still drink beer?
2nd Hakuru: no! no alchahol!
Hakuru: they have ******** alchahol inside the mansion so what the hell?
2nd Hakuru: did… you just sweared…?
Hakuru: whats wrong? You neevr sweared?
Hakuru: well no not… really..
Saya: wow the real us are just royal… they don’t act like us…
Hakuru: weird….
Saya: they wear really weird dresses…
2nd Saya: look whos talking!
Hakuru: that’s because we’re goth, for me I only wear a green jacket but inside is goth….
Saya: I wear a red shirt, but my jacket and pants are all black… so it doesn’t really matter
Hakuru: ow s**t! My scar!
Saya: ahh…. Man still hurts like s**t….
2nd Saya: oh no! your hurt!
2nd Hakuru: let us fix that for you!
Hakuru: no! its alright… the pains gone… for now..
2nd Hakuru: did my mother did this to you…?
Hakuru: that has nothing to do with it….
2nd Hakuru: but ahh..
Hakuru: just leave us alone…
2nd Saya: but-
Saya: please…. Its gonna rain soon… you should propably go in…. the funs in there…
Hakuru: hm…. The rain usually follow us these days…
Saya: I wonder… whats god doing…?
2nd Hakuru: please.. tell us if you need anything….
2md Saya: you want us to bring you an aid kit or something?
Hakuru: no…. I think you guys done much already….
Saya: you two… are lucky you know that?
Hakuru: very lucky
2nd Hakuru: how is that?
Hakuru: you have a caring family who cares for you… they give you so many things that they love you…. As you love them
Saya: they give you clothes, food, money, power and care…..
Hakuru: for us… we were dumped by test tubes…. Me and my family were only living a wooden hhouse… but still… it was my home… and I respect that but then…
Flash back
Tomoka: get the kids Rukina! Get them out of here!
Alucard: die…
Tomoka: gah!
Rukina: Tomoka!!
Hakuru: father!
Rukina: Sukya! Get your little brother and go!
Sukya: but mother don’t leave us!
Rukina: please you msut be strong…. Please go as far away as you can! Go!
They both ran
Rukina: i… will not let you touch my children!
Alucard: heh….
He grabs her neck and stabs her to the chest
Rukina: AHHH!!!!
Sukya/Hakuru: mother!!!!
Rukina: go!!! And please… live on a normal life….. go..
She tooked out a grenade and blew up
Sukya: NO!!! MOTHER!
She tooked out her gun and tried to fight off Alucard but Sukya had her neck choked
Hakuru: Sukya! Sukya!!!!
He ran away in the snowy mountains but he aws caught with chains shot to his neck and body
End of flash back
Hakuru: thatst he day I got in my cell… I don’t wanan remember that anymore… its really annoying even when I sleep…
2nd Hakuru: I’m sorry…. We are here to blame…
Hakuru: don’t blame yourself…. We got no intention of fighting your parents… one more thing… can you tell your parents to leave us alone? I think they’ve enough damage….
2nd Saya: of course…. You wanted normal lives right?
Saya: yeah that’s right
2nd Saya: then we shall tell our parents
Saya: *sigh* like you will…. Saya… your parents won’t even leave me alone, look at me… I wanted to be dead… to be left from this world… but I guess that wish can’t be done…
Hakuru: I wanted to be dead….
Saya: but still whatever we do… we still come back to life….
Hakuru: the veins inside us refuses to die….
Saya: and still lives on….
Hakuru: each demon needs a host to live in
Saya: and with that, their power increases
Hakuru: normally they try to take over the hosts body but if you work together as a team you’ll propably go pretty fine… as long asy our okay…
2nd Hakuru: we are very sorry
2nd Saya: for everything for what we’ve done
Hakuru: I told you, don’t blame yourself
Saya: or people will blame you…
Hakuru: just go…. Oh yeah and happy birthday…
She gives Hakuru a present
2nd Hakuru: what is it?
Hakuru: open it….
She opens it
Hakuru: like it? Use to be my clones parents cross…
Saya: you never told me they gave you that
Hakuru: I thought that never mean’t anything to you.. so kept it myself
Saya: b*****d..
Hakuru: heh…
2nd Hakuru: its.. .beautiful…
Hakuru: please take care of it… use to be my mother… now I pass it on to you…
2nd Hakuru: what about you?
Hakuru: I already have one…. Right here
She raises up her cross from her neck
Hakuru: this belongs to all of my friends…. i hang on to it… for I can remember they’re names… and friendship
2nd Saya: well ahh how about you…?
Saya: I had no relatives…. They are all deceased… I never met them before…. This is what I have left… a handmade bullet that I made for myself… I think of this… as my family… as my friends are family
2nd Saya: oh I see….
Hakuru: it’s a good thing you didn’t suffer…. Man I had to give my half of my soul to you, my remeaning life span almost shorted out and even so my soul
2nd Hakuru: oh sorry…
Hakuru: don’t worry… thanks to my friend I have my soul back….
2nd Hakuru: thank you… for reviving me back…
Hakuru: your welcome…
Saya: I almost forgot
Happy late birthday
2nd Saya: for me?
Saya: open it
She opens it
2nd Saya: what… is this…?
Saya: that’s my music box
2nd Saya: musc box?
Saya: it’s a good song…. I hear it whenever I have nightmares…. Sometimes m tears fall for some reason… deep inside of me… there is always pain that I just want to let it out…. I want you to have it…
2nd Saya: oh no I can’t-
Saya: our gifts are for you…. Please.. do not refuse it… we must go on…
Hakuru: and to live in this world who does not really care about us but that does not matter
Saya: even if we are clones we don’t care if they treat us like freaks…..
Hakuru: sometimes we always wanted a family but that does not happen… we always wanted to die… to leave these humans…
Saya: life goes on… as life turns hell…
Hakuru: hey look the rain is coming….
Saya: that’s great then…
Hakuru: go inside…. We’ll wait here
2nd Hakuru: but you’ll catch a cold
Hakuru: don’t worry…. Mother….
2nd Hakuru: ……
She was shocked
Hakuru: ah crap why did I let that out?!
2nd Saya: ahh…. Hey Saya come on lets put in those nice clothes
Saya: no…. its alright mother….
2nd Saya was shocked too
Saya: crap! I let that out too!
Hakuru: look! Rains coming! Forget about what we said!
Saya: it has nothing to do about you! Just… just go in there and have fun!
They went inside
Hakuru: man why the hell did we say that?
Saya: s**t….
2nd Hakuru: did they just said mother?
2nd Saya: this is so…. Strange….
2nd Hakuru: don’t worry…. I don’t mind if they say that…. They’re quie… lonely… aren’t they…?
2nd Saya: lonely……
To be continued
Next Chapter: the song of sadness
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/06/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Gunners HellsBound Crisis #11
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Party begins?
- Date: 02/06/2010
- Tags: gunners hellsbound crisis
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