• Karen ran down the ally running so hard tears came out of her eyes. She threw a frantic glance behind her. 'I don't see him anymore.' She stoped to rest. 'I guess I lost him.' she thought releived. Just then a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. "Thought you lost me did you?" the shadow leered as it reached out and grabbed her. "Nooo! Let me go!"she cried. "The only way you'll ever be free is through death."the shadow purred seductivly. "Never!" she shouted defiantly.Just then the moon peeked through the veil of clouds to reveal the shadows' face. He had shoulder length silver hair that sparkled when the light hit it and frighteningly ruby red eyes that glinted with bloodlust. "Do not cry my sweet for all is well. It will all be over very soon." he crooned. He grabbed a handfull of Karen's hair and jerked her head to the side to reveal her ivory neck. "NOOO!" she screamed franticly tring to claw at his eyes. His lips parted over her neck as he pressed his fangs gently into her. Blood welled up around the wounds and dripped on her baby blue chiffon dress as her drained her. She pushed weakly against his chest as he sapped her strength until she went limp in his arms. He slashed his wrist open and brought the oozing wound to her lips.

    Karen opened her eyes to find herself in his arms. "Welcome to Immortality my love."