The air was still, almost suffocatingly so, and thick with salt and melted wax. During the day this hall was often full of guards and servants and visitors from around the world who all sought council with the Oracle.
The Oracle was wise, and could see and understand things that no one else could. She spent her days in this shrine, surrounded by candlelight as waves crashed on the rocky shores outside. She would grant audience to all who came seeking her advice whether it be for the greatest king or the smallest child. Her words were always sound, and if those privilaged enough to hear them went through with what she said, she would always be found to be right.
But now, here in the middle of the night, she was alone. Certainly the guards kept their watch outside and there were one or two servants still awake in the halls, but in here, she was completely void of company.
Finally she stood, her long, dark gowns falling about her slippered feet to the tiled stone floor. The blindfold she wore prevented her from seeing the world through a mere mortal's eyes, and was sacred to her role as the Oracle and never to be removed. It doused her emotions and was even said to give her divine inspiration from the gods. She would never tell you if you asked though, if those things were true.
Having taken this trip many times before, she made her way to a small, insignificant looking door off to the side behind her seat, and entered, never once to trip or stumble or be unsure of her footing as she came. Inside was another hallway, which she simply passed through to the final room, her personal quarters.
She had barely stepped in through the door when a servant girl came up behind her, and helped remove her robes so that they could be washed and pressed and ready for the Oracle when she awoke early the next morning. Sometimes the servant herself would seek council, but not tonight.
"That will be all..." the Oracle whispered, before the girl had a chance to ask. The child bowed low and exited, leaving the Oracle alone in her dark, windowless room. She stood there a moment before one of her pale hands reached up to her face, and she lifted the blindfold, just enough to see through her right eye.
The room was pitch black, but she didn't care. She found release this way, even if she had nothing to see. After a moment, she took two steps into the room to find its one piece of furniture, a single bed with clean white sheets.
Satisfied that the blindfold was not going to fall back over her eyes, she situated herself on the mattress, pulling the sheets around her naked form until she was comfortable, and pressed a hand to the cold stone wall beside her.
One of the bricks shifted ever so slightly at her touch and a silent smile crossed her features as she gripped it and pulled it from the wall. All at once there was a blinding light to her unadjusted eyes and cool air seeped from the opening.
She blinked rappidly, pulling the blindfold up further still as the moon light became less painful to see. Finally she lowered her head to the hole and peered outside, catching a glimpse of the sea and the moon shimmering high above. She exhaled softly in contentment and found she could see her breath as it mixed with the frigid night air.
To be continued...

- Title: Find Me in My Midnight Hell
- Artist: Gemmetra
- Description: Just something I've been working on, and would very much like some input on. I have a small plot worked out, but I haven't had time to type it all out yet, so hopefully there will be more than this in the near future.
- Date: 02/17/2010
- Tags: find midnight hell oracle
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