The Invisibles- Chapter 1
Upon seeing the empty back seat of a car, I slid inside, just as the door slammed shut behind me. I didn’t dare put on my seat belt, for fear that the driver might see. Blondie, who was at the wheel talking on her cell phone, didn’t notice me. Not that I expected her to, but it still kind of pissed me off when she decided to throw a greasy paper bag in the back seat. Normally I would not mind that (It wasn’t MY car) but the damned thing hit me in the face.
Okay, this chick is getting it.
I crept forward while she put her blackbetty in her purse and got close to her ear. She was completely oblivious, as most are, and humming some tune I didn’t recognize. In a quiet, ominous voice, I started singing a pirate tune, something that went a little like this:
“Yo ho, yo ho, yo ho-o-o-o, yo hoo, yo hoo-o-ooo”…
The annoying lady froze and listened, but I had stopped. The ezpression on her face had caused me to fall into a fit of giggles as I fell into the back seat. The woman pulled over, checked the back seat, and upon seeing that there was apparently notheirn gback there, ran from her car. I smiled evily. I had just gotten myself a new car.
About twenty minutes later I parked at the mall leaving the keys inside the black Subaru. I’d hitch a ride later. Don’t you just love the looks on peoples faces when they see a car “drive itself”? I do!
I spotted Vince and ran over to him. Oh, if your wondering who Vince is, he’s my best friend, and he’s invisible just like me. How do I see him if he’s invisible, you ask? Very good question. Our kind are just a tad transparent with a little glimmer around the edges, but only our kind can see us. He gave me a big hug and we began to shop.
I’d known Vince since I was in my very first invisible training classes. As you know, I don’t exactly rock at this, but Vince helped me get through all of my schooling. He, of course, excelled in everything. I had never gotten to the level in my school that allowed me to turn stuff I touched invisible whenever I want. This irritated me, but I sure wasn’t going back to school.
Vince helped me with my little problem, which is one of the reasons I never go shopping without him. The other is that in the mall we can talk and no one looks around, startled, because there are so many people. A third is that Vince loves to go shopping with me. Actually, he loves to go everywherer with me. For this, I am grateful.
Suddenly Vince disappeared from my sight and the edges of my vision blurred. I became confused and couldn’t hear or see correctly. My vision glowed white for a few seconds, and then it all came back at once.
“Cindy? Helooo?” I heard Vince say, waving his hand in front of my face, looking slightly annoyed. I shook my head. This had been happening lately. I would completely blackout from everything, especially the invisible world, for periods of time. I hadn’t told anyone about this, not even Vince, so I gave him an apologetic expression.
“Sorry, sorry! Were you talking to me?” I asked, still confused from my “white out” or whatever you want to call it. He rolled his beautiful green eyes and smirked at me.
“Yeah. I was asking you if you wanted to go to Jessica’s party tonight?” he said, smiling at me hopefully. I groaned. Jessica was my LEAST favorite person, but she was Vince’s girl, so I was forced to tolerate the brat. He saw the hesitation in my eyes and stopped me, grabbing my arms and staring me in the eyes. I was helpless in his gaze.
“Please, Cindy? For me?” he cooed, giving me a pout. I sighed and nodded and he smiled. Tonight would be interesting.
The Invisibles- Chapter 1
read prologue first... its about an invisible girl who loves to make trouble
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