• Zion stood on the cliff, staring into the distance. "Am I really going to do this?" he thought. "Am I crazy? Risking my life, just for my small village? Maybe I should just go home," he thought. "No," he shook the thought of backing down out of his mind. "I've already killed many of the enemy, and they won't rest untill they have my head on a platter." Zion drew his sword, for he knew they were coming. His sword sparkled in the sunlight. He jumped down the cliff, landing roughly on the rugged terrain below. The ground started to rumble. He heard the foot steps of horses in the distance. Zion dashed forward. The foot steps grew louder. One hundred horses, with two riders each, stood in a row on the hill ahead. Zion knew that running to them would get himself killed. He was already outnumbered, running up the hill would just tire him, make him weak, while they woul be gaining speed going down the hill and trample him. "I'll just wait for them to make the first move," he thought. Zion stood there, for what seemed like ages. Finally, the lead rider on the horse in the middle shouted something in a language that Zion did not understand. All of the horses rushed forward, the riders shouting. Zion rushed forward, his sword in front of him. He didn't go his full speed, wanting to meet the enemy at the bottom of the hill. When they met at the bottom, Zion swung his sword with great precision, slicing off many heads. He made sure not to hurt the horses. What had they done wrong? Dust was everywhere, blinding Zion. "Augh!" Zion yelled in agony. He looked over to his left arm. He found an arrow sticking in the top half of his arm. He took the arrow out and broke it over his knee. His arm was bleeding severly. "Must... Keep... Going.." Zion said. When it seemed like the end, he got a sudden boost of energy. He went beserk, slicing heads, left and right. Then, it was quiet. "Am I dead?" he thought. "Did I get shot in the heart with an arrow?" He looked around. What he saw horrified him. There was guts, blood, and gore. No more of the enemy soldiers were alive. The horses were grazing in the grass unhurt. Zion quickly herded the horses wanting to get out of there quickly. He took the horses around the back of the cliff, to his village.