• Nathon Power's Journal Entry #8
    March 16, 2010

    tab It was strange. Ever since Jenna came into my life, everything had been spiraling downward, and never stopping to take a breath. My mom had left, my dad had consumed all his time into Jenna, I had lost my best friend, and what had I learned about her? She was a slut, and honestly had no reason for my respect, let alone my defense.
    tab But that's exactly what I did, it seems. And one look at her face when I walked inside the house, I suddenly knew why. It was her face. It said everything...How she felt, what she was going through, everything.
    tab Apparantly, Jenna had stayed home from school, as forced by my dad. I didn't understand why. And I didn't ask. I didn't want to know.
    tab So I didn't ask why. But seeing her sitting on the kitchen chair like that, I had to say something. There was nothing happy about her face. Nothing bright about it. I wanted to change that.
    tab And it ended up answering the question I didn't want answered.
    tab "You feeling ok?" I touched her shoulder lightly, but immediately, she pulled away. I was surprised at this sudden action, and I stepped back. She didn't didn't, though. She lunged forward, and burst out in-my-face,
    tab "What, are you blind? Or maybe deaf. Maybe you haven't heard, but I'm not exactly 'popular' in school. You know what they called me?" Those eyes...Icy, piercing eyes...It was a new emotion from her. Anger.
    tab "I'm sure you do. After all, Evan's the guy who brought the rumor up." Evan...What were you thinking? What was going through your head?
    tab "I'm sorry, Jenna..." I said kind of lowly, like it was something that had to be said. But Jenna didn't care for it.
    tab "Oh, that's wonderfuly, Nathon," she snapped sarcastically. "Yep, that clears everything up. Especially...Especially..."
    tab "Especially, what?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I just regretted saying it.
    tab "Yeah, like you would understand," she spat, her arms crossed and eyes slanted. "Like you would understand anything."
    tab "Jenna, what happened?" I bravely asked. It was odd, moments ago, I didn't want to anything to do with anything, but now, it seemed I wanted all the answers. "Why are you suddenly acting so...so..."
    tab "Mean?" she guessed harshly. "Oh, absolutely no reason. Just that the past few days have been absolute hell. Do you know what it's like to be called a slut every minute minute of your life? Do you know how that feels?" I could never imagine what she had been through. I never wanted to know.
    tab Suddenly, I remembered something. Tyler. Something had happened to him...A complete 180 in his personality from a couple days ago to today...The exact same thing as Jenna. How were they related?
    tab "Jenna...Do you know Tyler Woods?" Suddenly, she stiffened.
    tab "Tyler Woods?" she just barely uttered. I nodded.
    tab "Where? Where?!" She was suddenly all excited, shaking me ferociously on the shoulders. I was surprised at her strength...How firm her grasp was.
    tab "He's a...student at school." She let go of me, and I fell hard on my back, feeling a familiar pain.
    tab Tyler Woods had just done this to me earlier, hadn't he?
    tab "Why?" I asked. "Why do you need to know?" And now, I saw a glimpse of her return...A tear in her eye, that's how I knew.
    tab "It's because of him..." She squeezed her fist tight together, and suddenly screamed,
    tab "It's because of him...that Mr. Powers...Mr. Powers is dead!"

    tab I could not believe my ears. My dad...dead? At first, I treated it like a joke.
    tab "Stop over reacting, Jenna," I retorted. "My dad is not dead." She looked me dead in the eye, and growled,
    tab "Why don't you go check for yourself? He's still there, upstairs in his room." I felt a burning tension rise inside me as swiveled around and dashed upstairs. I swung open the door, darting my eyes left to right, eager to prove Jenna wrong.
    tab But Jenna was right. My dad was there...Dead on the carpet, bullet to his head.
    tab I rushed over to him, kneeling down and trying to make sense of it. Why would this happen?
    tab Jenna.
    tab I saw her behind me, and screamed, just barely moving my head to glance at her,
    tab "This is your fault, you know! If you hadn't come here...If you had never shown your face..." I got up. It was too much. I had lost...everything. My mom, my friend, and now, my dad. I couldn't take anymore. I couldn't treat her the same way as before. Not now. Not with my dad dead on the floor.
    tab "It's all your fault!" I charged. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I was doing it. My anger had fogged my senses, and because of that, I found myself on my back for the third time that day. Jenna...How could she be so strong?
    tab "Are you going to blame me now?" she asked harshly. "Oh, that's rich. Like I had a choice to come here."
    tab "You act like you don't even care about my dad being dead here."
    tab "Do not make it sound like I'm the bad guy. Tyler Woods is the one who killed him."
    tab "And how do you know that?" She began to walk out the door, and said,
    tab "I just know. And I also know he's going to pay. He's going to pay for what he did." And that was that.
    tab Jenna was keeping something from me. And all of a sudden, I wanted to know. And yet...I was scared. Scared of the truth.