“Laer! Laer wait, please!” My brother called after me, struggling to keep up with me as I darted through the trees. My long dark hair fanned out behind me as I ran, smiling enthusiastically as the forest in which I lived moved around me in a blur.

    Suddenly the atmosphere around me grew more grim and dark – it was foreboding and less reassuring. I stopped, waiting for my brother but he did not come. I looked around to see nothing but the trees.

    “Rusc?” I called, growing scared now. I gained no response and I felt tears well in my eyes as I began to run back the way I had come. In my frantic state everything appeared the same and I soon found myself completely lost. I curled up in a small hollow amongst a large tree’s roots and soon fell fast asleep.

    When I woke there was a tall being standing in front of me, frowning in concern. I whimpered softly in fear before they slowly knelt down, reaching towards me. I was unsure how to respond but they seemed to be offering me their hand – I took it.

    As soon as our hands touched, something burned within me and I began to cry, unsure of what it was. I could hear cruel laughter and the hand let go. I stumbled backwards against the tree, clutching my head which pounded terribly. I screamed for help but no one came and soon, I fell into the realm of unconsciousness.