• The grass was soft beneath her back as the sun played on her face. Slowly she closed her eyes, enjoying the wind blowing her hair. Aster allowed her thoughts to travel over into the realm of sleep as she dreams of the man that once held her heart.

    Eyes like a cloudy storm, he looked at her with a passion that set her entire body on high heat. His arm gently wrapped around her waist, he guides her along the beach beside him. The moon hung high and proud in the sky, casts a light reflection on the playful waves.

    Her shoes dangle from one hand so that she may feel the sand lightly crunch between her toes. With a light pull this man stops her and sits in the sand. She looks at him, admiring the way the light plays off his silky brown hair. Crookedly he smiles up at her, beckoning her down to lay next to him. Playfully he pulls her down with him, his laugh reminding her of an angel.

    "I got a question for you," he says while he looks down at her, his expression all of a sudden serious. Slowly he sits up and pulls out a little box from his shorts. "Aster, will you make me the happiest man alive by granting me your hand in marriage?"

    Shocked, all she could do was stare up at him while he opens the little box to reveal the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. It was made up of three diamonds set into a white gold band.

    Tears sliding down her face in joy, she nods her head yes. He slips the ring slowly onto her left ring finger and she marvels at how gentle he is. Catching her breath, she kisses his soft tender lips. Lips that taste sweater than honey. Lips she can never get out of her mind. Softly his tongue slides over her lips and she grants him access.

    His strong, loving arms wrap around her as her heart skips beats. "I love you, Sky."



    "Wake up, Aster...."

    Softly she comes awake to the sound of a man's voice. "Sky?"

    "Of course, my love. I'm home at last!"