• Out of the darkness, a dark man walked in and approached Zelda. "So, the rumors are true." he said. Both Link and Shadow Link turned to see the black man. "Who are you?" Link asked him. "You will know soon enough, but not right now." the dark man replied. "Tell us or else!" Shadow Link threatened. "Or else what?" the dark man asked. Shadow Link lounged at the man, attempting to attack. The dark man however, managed to block Shadow Link's attack with very fast speed. "I will not hurt any of you, so chill out ok? I only came here to see if the rumors about a person not from this world are true." the man in black said. Shadow Link put his sword away. "Fine then." he said. "I'd also like to help if I can. I won't show you my face yet, since I don't fully trust you." the dark man said. "So what's her name?" he asked. "Tell us yours first." Link said. "I guess I need to gain your trust, so now may be a good time for me to show myself." the dark man said. He removed his hood, for upon his face was a mask that covered all but one eye. "You may call me Shadow for now. I will take the mask off when I trust you more." he said. "Very well, her name is Mitako." Link said. "I see." Shadow replied, turning his gaze upon the sleeping girl.

    Mitako let out a yawn as she slowly opened her eyes. *How are you doing Mi-chan?* Twinkle sent to her telepathically. *I'm fine, I guess.* Mitako sent in reply. "Hey! She's awake!" Navi said excitedly. "Hello again Mitako." Zelda said sweetly with a smile. Mitako sat up in the bed as she turned to see both Link and Zelda to her left, returning the smile. She then turned her gaze towards where Shadow Link stood, noticing a strange black outline of a strange person.

    Zelda turned to the man in the black robe. "Mitako, this is Sir Shadow. He's one of our guests here at the castle." she said, introducing the stranger. "Pleased to meet you, milady." Shadow said, giving a slight bow. Mitako gave a small, shy smile as she returned the bow.

    "Well, I guess I shall see you later. Perhaps we shall meet again. Please excuse me." Shadow said, giving a slight bow. He began to vanish into the darkness. "Wait, please!" Zelda said quickly, catching him off guard. Shadow turned to face Zelda. "Yes m'lady?" he asked curiously. "Would you like to stay here for the night sir Shadow?" Zelda asked him. "I would be honored, thank you m'lady." Shadow said in reply. "I'll escort him there, you stay with Mitako." Link offered. Zelda nodded in reply. Shadow Link took the opportunity to leave while the others were busy, vanishing into the shadows and back to Lake Hylia.

    Once they were gone, Zelda turned back to Mitako. "What happened to you Mitako?" Zelda asked gently. Mitako let out a heavy sigh, trying to recall the memories. "I heard someone playing music, so I followed and came to this room. Th-that's when I m-met him..." Mitako began. "Who was he?" Zelda asked. "His n-name is... P-prince Ashala." Mitako replied somewhat shakily. "Can you describe him to me?" Zelda asked, listening closely. Mitako nodded. "H-he's a demon prince with long black hair, blood red eyes and black wings on his back." she said, her voice filled with fear. "What else happened when you met him?" Zelda asked, gently placing her hand on Mitako's, who in return did the same. "W-well, he invited me to join him at the piano, so I did and sang for him. Afterwards, we talked for a while, but what he told me was sort of upsetting." Mitako paused, taking a deep breath in order to calm her nerves. "Please continue." Zelda said encouragingly. "I had fallen asleep by then, a-and when I woke up..." Mitako trailed off, unsure of what to do. "It's ok, just take your time." Zelda said softly. "When I woke up, I found myself i-in th-this bed w-with h-him l-lying on top of m-me!" Mitako finished, tears spilling from her face as she buried her face on Zelda's shoulder and cried.