• “Excuse me, but I do not believe that you will be going any where young lady.”

    Those were the first words she spoke to me. The first words I ever heard her say in way of strength and forcefulness. When I had turned around, the point of blade nearly touched my throat. And though be scared to death, I was not. It was not from foolishness, no, that was not the reason. It was because the face I stared into, was the most beautiful I had ever seen. Her skin, marvelous and scar free, was a refreshing bronze color from being out in the sun all day long. And that tanned flesh only brought out the steeliness in the deep silver pools that were her eyes. Her hair, oh how I remember it, her hair was dark as a starless night sky. Pulled back, so thought no one would see. But I saw…the few strands that escaped her hat, framed that lovely face so nicely. It gave her the look of a being that could not be tamed. Dressed as a man, commanding a fleet of her own, I knew this woman had to be…the dark star. The notorious pirate who had claimed thousands of lives. The one they feared so much…and yet my gaze was of not of fear or fright. It was admiration…

    Never before had I seen such a woman. Never before had I known a woman such as this existed. So many tales I heard of the dark star. All of which were made to point out, how she was a being not to be crossed. One who would slice a man’s face off just for sneezing in her direction. But at that moment, my mind was not set on such tales being true. As I looked deep into those eyes that glared my way, I could see even the slightest glimmer of a killer. I believe I trembled in slight…the first time she had barked out at me. For where I was from, women did not speak in such a manner. They were quite and quaint, only interested in snagging a bachelor such as my self for a husband. Could it be, I was never interested in men before. That there attempts to snare my interest with fancy clothes and jewels just turned me away. I needed that firm hand, one of a person of true strength. Someone who could overpower me, control me, even…dare I say it…dominate me.

    Yes! And so my life took sail. I abandon the lifestyle I had grown to be accustom to. I took on the role of the dark star’s wife. I worshiped that woman, fought for that woman, and to the side of that woman. If she were to prevail, then I was to prevail. If she were to fail, then yes, I too would fail. And dare I say, even if she were to die, my heart would follow her into the night sky. Beyond this life, and to the next, forever would I be guided by the light of the dark star.

    I needed her, for no lukewarm touch would do. I needed the touch of this woman. To feel the searing heat she held within. But how could I ever withdraw such…such a thing. Could I ever get her to fall for me, perhaps not, but that did not mean I would try. I knew, though she may never take to be my wife, I would be there by her side. I knew land would never hold her, for her true love, was that of the sea. But just maybe one day, I could get her, to look at me in the same was she looked to those watery depths. My love, a forbidden fruit, I crave to taste your juice. I tremble each passing glance you gave me. I screamed within, whenever you may have brushed up against me. My love for her, shall remain always, as wild and uncontrollable as the sea.