• chapter one...the prologue
    Out in the distant is a fire brewing closer to see something in it turns out its a village on fire and people are terriozed by something in the fire. A young couple runs from on. But as they run a flamed wall falls down and kills the man. The being that was chasing them caught him and quickly devoured him and faded to the group of beings that terrorized them. Terrified the woman runs far and is cornered by one male vampire.
    The vampire stood its group and pushes the woman onto a wall, trapped “Well well we caught ourselves some fresh, tasty, and young blood heh."
    Laughter out of nowhere echoes around them, cooling the fiery air.
    "Now then prepare to-"
    Within a second his neck is cut off as he falls a younger muscular man is seen with his sword. The blood splatters into the women's face as she falls back full of shock. The vampire male falls onto its knees and lies down dead with its blood pooling out. A dark man stands behind the corpse and pulls the blade out of its body and wipes it clean.
    "Heh, check it out all bark now he can’t bite," he walks to the young women and kneels down to her level
    "Don’t you worry since your mans dead will be his replacement in bed and night"
    He winks at her and before he can speak again more came he quickly killed them off by cutting their heads
    "Heh nothing is as great as the one and only Shadow Dark!"
    His had dark hair and glowing red eyes that belonged to a terrible demon, yet his approach showed no harm and his body looked like you just had to touch and feel with every muscle on your own body.
    As he gloats and vampire who survived gets up and starts his ambush on him till a whip out of nowhere wraps him up and turns him to ash.
    "What!? Hey, you cheater Angel, he was mine! You can’t kill my kills, it don’t count for you so too bad"
    out on the roof stands a young boy with a whip in hand.
    The boy wore an oversized robe that covered his feet and the ground around him, his blonde messy hair was blown by the smoky wind and hi white smile looked like a star shining down.
    "Sowwy Shadie fairs fair, he wasn’t kill by u so me gets point"
    he referred of how shadow and angel make a completion on who kills the enemies the most.
    Cheerfully he bounces off and swings his whip around turning all nearby vampire monsters in ash
    angel:"heh heh me winning me winning... oh?"
    he hadn’t realized in time that his swinging had accidently tied himself with shadow together, causing them unable to move rightly and use their weapons anymore
    shadow:"OOPS!!? Now you done you little turd now were screwed and not in the good way" shadow starts kicking angels butt till they fall over losing their balance.
    More begin to emerge towards them and laugh at the pathetic heroes all of a sudden, a flash of light appears and they mysteriously become loose and al the monsters gone, the fires are cleared, and the people of the village were saved. They thought that the two heroes did this and thanked them. The women all over shadow praising their handsome hero and toys and food for the little boy to eat and play with for his amusement.
    While playing with the toys, ignoring what Shadow was fondling on the women’s body, the boy looks to the trees and see something sparkle he heads to shadow and whispers something to him, he too looks to the tree and sees it sparkle as well
    shadow:"sorry folks but we heroes must move on for this world isn’t always safe and someone should be there when f**ked up"
    they say their goodbyes and headed on out to the woods
    shadow:"this is so bulls**t I mean I was going to get laid tonight man y the hell we going to keep moving"
    angel:"it’s not our decision Shadie, sides I like going to bew pwaces"
    shadow:"where the hell we going now!?"
    angel:"umm, the mappy saws ewere going to Annix city yay were going back home"
    shadow :"Aww man I got whores over there, sweet!"
    behind them stands an man on the tress glancing down on them with his light blue eyes.

    She wakes up only to see her ceiling. She forgets who she is and wonders into her mind trying to remember. She knows now.
    She musters the strength and sits up she looks around as if she doesn’t know what is this place suddenly she remembers, this is her room this is her bed and this is her life.
    she get out of bed and heads to the balcony only to be greeted to a beautiful sunny day she smiles brightly and runs to under her bed and slides over the underside to have in her hand a wolf light blue with white wings.
    She sucks in as much fresh air as her relaxed her lungs inhaling and exhales happily.
    "today is the day Sul today I’ll finally get to see Annix City, for the first time I’ll be out of this wretched place ha-ha"
    the wolf flies over to her side and lick her hand
    (woof woof [awesome does this mean ill get some steak then]) knowing Sul for so long she has gained the natural ability to understand the growls and barks of Sul.
    She giggles.
    "of course silly today is special so dinner is special"
    she gets to her bathroom and locks the door, knowing Sul has a thing for nude women for their more sensual in a way, she takes a hot bath and dreams of what is on the other side of the walls.

    Over at the gate come the two heroes completely covered in dirt, they tirelessly head to the water area for horses and rinse off and quickly split apart. Shadow heading to a inn with women and Angel heading to a group of children playing with a ball, he transforms into a small white furred wolf cub and tosses his own ball that’s blue and yellow and performs juggling tricks, causing everyone nearby to watch. Meanwhile in the inn every woman young and not so old are around a table taken of Shadow as they hear stories of him saving Angel from a group of hellhounds to impress them and become easier targets.

    Out in the roof stands a man covered over a white coat with blue flames that move realistically on it, gazing at the castle and walks towards it.

    Inside the room we see the girl looking around her room, searching for something but can’t find it.
    The girl spoke up loudly but low enough to be an inside voice “lady Kaidai!! I need something to wear"
    A servant appears by age 50 shows up and brings a yellow dress that glowed on the sunlight.
    Kaidai:"here you are your highness this one was chosen by your father and I expect no paw prints on it is that clear princess Yasu"
    Yasu politely answered but also humored "yes Kaidai I promise and Sul promises too, don’t ya boy" she says as she starts dressing and keeps watch of Sul to not look.
    (Woof woof [yup yup unless there’s a steak in my mouth])
    Kaidai laughs at Sul and tosses him a bone which he catches in the air and chews on it with everything he has.
    Both Kaidai and Yasu laugh as he spins in the air trying to grip on the big bone.
    Yasu heads into the bathroom once more and places on the dress that is assigned she would wear for breakfast to not ruin her dress that she plans to wear for the big event.
    "Just a few hours, a few hours" she says to herself.

    As Yasu runs down the halls with her sunshine dress, she runs towards the dining hall, careful as to not tumble and trip and wrinkled her dress, she makes it to the dining room in time but only to find her father and mother already eating.
    Yasu was like a splitting image of her mother with pink hair and pinks eyes; her mother was a mature version of Yasu. The years were no effect to her beauty.
    her father was different with his goatee and mature man face and light greens eyes h was the type that made women stare into his eyes of calmness
    Yasu:"oh my god! You guys can’t even wait for me to get here!?" she says angrily
    dad:"well sorry pinky I was hungry" he jokes, mouth half filled with food.
    Yasu:"don’t call me pinky, it’s getting old" she says grumpily
    mom:" you guys, no fighting, today is the special day remembering" her mother says as she drinks her morning juice.
    Yasu:"right, the kingdom parade, today ill finally go to Annix kingdom and see to outside world after years of hearing about it, I will finally experience it for the first time-"
    bits of rice is hit to her face she immediately glances toward her father as he tries to look as innocent as he can.
    Yasu:"dad how could u be so childish!?"
    dad:"well sorry its-"
    she picks up some rice and throws it back at him which he counters and gets a piece of meat and throws as a disc which hits her in the neck. She hides behind her chair and tosses some eggs at him which he dodges rolls away pretending as if they were grenades. He gets a banana and throws it like a boomerang which hits Yasu and knocking her down and losing the food war of the day.
    dad:"ha-ha and so the king is still the king of food fights thank you *he bows* I’d like to thank the little people" Yasu gets up with a red mark on her neck
    Yasu:"nice job dad u gave me a mark now I got to take another bath!" she said angrily and then she storms off toward her and undress and runs the hot bath yet again

    over in the roofs the white man kneels near a box colored blue red and white with a water bottle and a blanket he lifts the blanket up and has it in his hand he looks at the castle and continues to walk towards it leaving the blanket behind.

    Over at the entertainment main road, shadow is not there for he has already five women in one of the hotel rooms. Meanwhile the children are inside eating lunch with angel. when he transforms back to normal, he runs towards the shop and orders 5 sugar sticks he takes out shadows wallet that he had stole and pays the man and eats alone suddenly he catches a glimpse of a hooded man who obtained a bow and arrow in his hand, darkness seemed to follow him, however eating sugar was more important as he took another bite and started chewing down his food happily and innocently.

    around town people are hearing of a white covered man seen by the village nearby is said to be responsible for the attack and fire surely they already knew who it was they all point to a wanted poster clearly name the white reaper wanted dead or alive.

    The festival was that time of year, the special moment where the royal family loses their class status and become a normal citizen. This helps some people become popular and also get to know the family that leads the kingdom into what they are now. Annix represents balance, and with this festival it proves that even class has to be balanced and allows people to know that people are people no matter who they are.
    inside the caste gates has the soldiers and workers have a wagon ready for traveling already the king and queen are sitting on it all is waiting for Yasu to begin over the wall is thousands of people waiting to glimpse on how the little baby girl has grown and looked soon everything is emptied for the king and queen suggested for some souvenirs even shadow and angel came to see what’s so important then even above the roof stood the white hooded man but now he is glimpsing on someone else a man opposite of the road on roofs holding a bow and arrow ready in hand quietly he gets up and walks away to the strange new man soon it began and a soldier came to speak.

    soldier:"hello to one and all today is royal day, when the royal family is to enact and become temporary citizens, enable to become like you for a while and allow them to study how their kingdom is under their rule and this time we brought a special someone who hasn’t seen u good people for over ever since her birth 15 years ago please join me princess lights!"
    applause echoed the streets and homes of the city, the king orders the gates to rise and the horses start moving forward, few citizens can see him and wave at him. The bowman from across the road takes aim at the king, he holds up another and aims it at the queen and finally another arrow angled right next to her made for the princess. As he gained focus he suddenly felt like something was behind him.
    he turns and sees the white covered man and runs in a different direction the white man grabs the bow and shoots to u and kill the man instantly only to see him turn to ash people seeing the arrow look around and see him they yell out "white reaper."
    he looks down to see the other soldiers grabbing their bows and arrows take aim
    and there she saw him. Dressed in a white robe with light blue flames surrounding the area where he stands, hooded. And under the hood she can see two glowing light blue eyes staring at her with a cold and emotionless look.
    And before she realized it, they fired he moves out of their range and jumps over them landing right above the royal family. not realizing the threat they aim and fire before they realized the danger everyone sees and panics Yasu looks up to see him and a sky full of arrows aiming at her she senses death and closes her eyes ready for it...
    she feels nothing, she waits... still nothing...after seemingly a long time she opens her eyes and sees him the white man looking at her while flying around catching the frozen moving arrows and few move and pierce his robe taking the hit every is in a flash but her and him and her supplies of arrows the light fads and nothing, no arrows... no white hooded man... nothing.
    The soldiers rush the cart back in and pull the king and queen back in the castle including Yasu. They rush the family members separately each taking them to separate rooms. Many soldiers surround her looking around for any traps and objects that would look threatening. All the while Yasu tries to be out of his grip not caring the danger or taken in the possibility of being the one that wanted to be murdered.
    Yasu:"No! I was supposed to out there please not now...not when I’m so close of leaving this stupid castle." her complaints fell on death ears and their placed her inside her room they inform her to stay here as they will guard her door. They lock her inside. She pounds and ponds demanding to be released but still they ignore her.
    "Grr white reaper you’ll pay for this! I swear it!!"