• I didn't know who Hauru was or why she would tell him, I was just annoyed that Kya was being childish.
    "Hauru will eat you alive!" yelled Kya.
    "I'll make sure of it!" she said again.
    I was just frusturated now, so I grabbed Kya.
    "Who is Hauru?!?" I yelled
    "He is the evil dog of this land, he eats mean an un-wanted outsiders here,
    I hope he eats you!" yelled Kya
    "If you don't tel on me I will give you this Sweet Roll." I said calmly.
    "Hmm, whats a sweet roll?" said Kya in a demanding voice.
    "Its a roll of dough in cinnomon and tart seasonings, mostly brown sugar"
    I said with a smile.
    "Fine, but if you hurt anybodies feelings, Hauru will
    masacare you like wood chips! I'll make sure of it!" Kya yelled while grabbing the sweet roll from my hand.
    As she trotted off, she stared at the Sweet Roll.
    So I walked in the other direction, the day was going by so quickly, so I layed down to sleep in a soft patch of moss. It was moist and damp, but comfortble too sleep on. But somthing crawled on me, I don't know what it was because it was dark out. It felt like tiny and hairy leggs on my arm and foot, what is it?

    To be Continued......