• "Dinners ready Sophia!!" shouted her mother, sounding very insistent and very loud as if through a loudhaler, that shattered Sophia's dreamlike mindstate. Sophia got up with a start,and suddenly the leaves began to rustle, eager to see her faery friend she stayed. Soon after her mother called again, though this time it sounded more distant as if she had shouted on a phone on the lowest volume setting, just as Sophia was about to make the journey back into the house the leaves rustled again and a very flushed Roxanne came out of the tree "you still 'ere?" she said sounding amazingly defendent of her "patch". There was alot of things about her that had changed from their first meeting, like her hair for example. Before it had been perfectly spiked like a hegehog, but now it was very tangled, Sophia then remembered what her mother used to say "You look like you've been dragged through a bush backwards" this definately applied to roxanne at that moment, Sophia was angry at that, this was her backyard and her tree and HER HOUSE, but Sophia was taught to be polite to others and said "well yes, but I was just about to go for my supper" Roxanne's face dropped, and she said in an aggitated tone "You've been here all this time? I've been through enough with Marigold for the last two and a half hours" Sophia was suprised, she had only been there for half an hour, so she spoke up and asked (afraid to be nosy) "I've only been here for half an hou-" "Well yeah, in human times maybe, but in Faery terms we have according to humans a short "Hour"" this took a while to sink in, and then.... "HONEY COME AND GET YOU'RE SUPPER" said mother, Sophia then said a quick goodbye to roxanne and ran into the house... Little did she know, that as soon as she left. the undergrove was plotting

    To be continued...