• "Athena. Athena!" my mother screached shakeing me awake.

    "Whats wrong?" I asked looking into her wild eyes that kept looking at me then quickly shooting over her sholder as if waiting for something to come through my bedroom door.

    "Honey you must leave... they've come. Din and his undead army have finally come for you! I've baracaded the door, but that can only hold so long aganst his magic. Your father is downstairs waiting for him."

    Din... the man my parents tought me to fear. He is a powerful necromancer who covets all he cannot and will never have. And that just happens to be me, one of the two last hybrids of good and evil born between a princess of angels and a prince of demons, aka my mother and father. Though they are the prince and princess they have lost their power for breaking the rule that states they may never love eachother.

    My twin sister was given the pendant of yin - the main symbol good - and I recieved yang - the main symbol of evil, though it could not have been more opposite. They say he who marries the goddess of evil shall become more powerful than the king himself, who lived over five hundred years ago, and destroy good forever, visa versa. I can only be thankful for my sister who escaped and is the true goddess of evil. In my parents' mind ,good shall become evil, as evil shall become good. Thats why he wants me, it is because he craves power to the point that he connot realise that what he sees is not what he is looking for...

    "How long do I have?"

    "Only a few minuets. You must go now." I nodded rushing to the closet and donning my black dress and trench that both reached the floor, as well as my black ribbon used to tie up my long blood red hair. Then I glanced into the mirror at my eyes which were slightly glowing a verry light blue, which in contrast, made my skin look even whiter-almost pale.

    I hugged my mother tightly and climbed out of my window onto a low hanging tree branch which I used to get to the froest. I ran through the familar path of mapel, pine, and oak. As I headed for town, I listened to my mother's scream as it was cut short, and the low thud her body made as it hit the floor. My parents were gone. I ran even faster when the lights of the city came into veiw, I was almost there. I could practically taste freedom-as well as the shock of my parents' deaths.

    Tears sprang to my eyes clouding my vision for half a second before I triped into a mans arms. He stroked my hair gently hugging me tight.

    "I've finally got you." he sighed, "You shall never get away from me again." he whispered.

    I pulled my head away to take a good look at the man who held me in his unbreakable grasp, and screamed when I looked into his stone-like eyes. My captor. Din...

    He pulled my arms around my back and held them in his stoney hands as he pulled me into town. He draged me through the various allyways untill we reached his pitch black lomo. Din opened the door and roughly shoved me into the car as three of his zombie like minions grabed my arms and dress holding me still while din gently pulled the seatbelt over my lap.

    "You look beautiful in this light. Just like your mother. Shame she lost her power over something as stupid as love. Such a useless emotion. Makes you loose sight of all that is truely important. Power. Dont worry, you shall never suffer that emotion for you will be staying behind the walls of the mansion for the rest of your life. Shame you were kept from me for fourteen years, I could have raised you better. No matter, you shall be a good bride. You may as well enjoy the senery, it'll be the last you see of this world."

    The car started and pulled away. I looked out the window and watched as the buildings speeded past. I started to cry. My parents were dead and my sister was gone. I've lost everything. My home, my family, my freedom, and for what? A selfish man who wants power so bad that his heart grew cold. I took joy in the fact that he would not get the power he so craved but that dissappeared when I rembered I was to die after he found out.

    Green trees passed the window with great speed as I concidered jumping out of the car door. What was the worst that could happen? I break my leg? So what? I'd heal over night anyway...Nah, maybe I'll use a summon. I know! I'll use Dee or Dollia... Thats right, I cant. Thanks to Din I wont be abil to use magic untill the incantations fade from my arms.

    Suddenly I cought sight of a tall figure running next to the limo. But that wasnt possible because it was going over a hundred.Still...

    'Can you hear me?' It was the voice of a boy possibly in this teens. I stared intently at the boy and nodded once. 'Good, then listen carefully.My names David. In a few seconds im going to shatter the windsheild and slash the front tires. What I want you to do is lay down and tighten your seatbelt.'

    I laid down quickly and just as I did the windsheild exploded into a million tiny shards. I reached out and quickly unbuckeled Din's seatbelt just as the front tires burst into shreds causing Din to fly out of the windsheild and get pummeled with the two ton vehicle which fliped.

    In mid air David jumped into the limo, unbuckeled my belt, threw me onto his back, and flew through the back window, smothly landing on his feet. As he hit the ground he began to run in the opposite direction.


    "Dont mention it. I'd hate it if the guys found out." He turned back and smiled at me.

    "So why did you save me?" I asked.

    "I need your help..."


    Please leave a comment if you want me to write more