• As she lay there in the middle of the street, she thinks back to the last words she heard come out of his mouth and the last time she had seen him.
    He was wearing her favorite shirt of his, a red polo shirt with black trim. He had just gotten out of the shower and as he walked out he stopped in his steps as he saw her, he was speechless until 3 simple words had slipped out of his mouth " You look beautiful." She smiled at him, for she was wearing her black satin dress, with a lowcut back and lowcut front, her long midnight black hair flowing down her back, perfectly straight. He came up to her and kissed her, then he leaned back and took another look at her, then he crushed his lips to hers once more, but this time more passionatly. She could have stayed like that forever, wrapped in his arms, their lips locked together, but sadly she had a performance she couldnt miss. She would be playing the piano for a majority of record labels, that could possibly make her as big, if not bigger, than Bethoven himself. She simply pulled away and looked at him, then said "Thank you, But i must be on my way, this is a very important day for me and i musnt miss it." He looked at her, wishing she hadnt had to leave so soon, but he knew how important this was to her, and he wouldnt keep her from it. "Ok my love, be on your way, be safe, and never forget I love you...Always." She felt a tear forming in her eye, and she replied back to him "I love you to, Forever." And then she kissed him one last time and was on her way, out the door. Little did either of them know this would be the last time either of them would ever see one another.
    She lay there helpless, wishing to see him one more time, but she knew it would never come true. So she wait there, while the feeling of death slowly but surely crept upon her, and took her over entirely. She remembered exactly what had happened that night.
    She was on her way home, when she saw a poor young boy on the side of the street. He looked like he had been on the streets for a long time, so she pulled over, and asked him if he needed a ride somewhere. He said yes and then got into the car. She was on her way down the highway when the young boy said "Turn here please." So she did, and it wasnt until she was so far down that she had noticed they were heading farther and farther into the woods. She asked him "Are you sure we are in the right place?" He looked at her with a sort of Deceiving smile and said " Oh yes, please stop here." So she did and she got out with him to walk him up to the house that looked as if no one had lived ther in a century. When they had finally made it to the house door, the boy pulled something out of his pocket, and quickly stabbed her, making her fall to the ground with a loud screech.The young boy smiled, for this seemed to please him. He did it again and again until his hand and clothes were nearly covered with splats of blood. She had got up and tried to run a few times but had only made it to the road when the boy caught up to her and stabbed her with the knife agaian and again until she was forced to fall to the ground in agony. The boy tortured her, slitting her stomach and legs as much as he could, still making sure she was alive every few minutes. He continued this until he was sure she was still alive but in to much pain to move, then he walked away with an evil grin on his face.
    Now she lay there in pain, screeching in the night at the pain that had been thrust upon her. She could only hope that when the cops found her lifeless body, her wonderful husband Tyson wouldnt be there to see the cuts and slices in her body and face. He would be in enough pain without seeing the body.
    The next day the cops came to the scene and saw her lifeless body, fortunately Tyson was not there and he didnt have to see the damage that had been done to her body. He was torn apart and didnt know what to do. Three days after the body of Seanna was found, Tyson commited suicide. He couldnt stand the thought of living without his wife, she was his everything and she was gone.
    Their funerals were on the same day October 15 2006, and nearly 500 people attended.
    The headstones on each of their graves said "Forever loved and missed, live happily together, In eternity." But one thing was different on each of their headstones, on Tysons it said "Remember, I will love you Always." And on Seannas it said "And i will love you, Forever." And so they lived together forever in eternity, nothing could tear them apart.