• The one that saved her was Kiyo. "Y-Yes I'm ok." she replied.
    The fight went on between the two. "H-Hey you guys stop!"
    "Shutup!" the guy said as he put his hand out and pushed her
    over the railing. "Suki!" Kiyo yelled. But it was to late. Kiyo
    rushed down. First he quickly got Yume. Then they both ran
    outside and found Suki unconscious. "Oh my gosh!" Yume cried.
    Yume and Kiyo run up to her. "Suki! Wake up!" Kiyo yelled.
    But there was no response. Yume hurriedly ran to get the nurse
    to call an ambulance. Kiyo sat next to Suki and wiped the dirt
    off her face. While he did that, she slowly opened her eyes.
    "Am I dead?" she asked not noticing Kiyo yet. He quickly took
    his hand away and turned away blushing a little. "Ah, Kiyo.
    Why are you here? Did you die too?" "Stupid! You're not dead.
    You fell off the roof remember." "Oh ya. Hehe" she laughed
    stupidly. They hear the ambulance coming and when they got
    to where Suki was, they took her in the ambulance on a stretcher.
    Kiyo and Yume went along to the hospital. Both of them had
    to wait in the waiting room. ".....This is awkward..." thought
    Yume. "Heh, that girl is something alright. Who comes between
    guys that are fighting." he said. "Why were you there anyway?
    Were you stalking her too?!" "No! I always go up to the roof. So
    when I went up there, I saw them. I watched for a little while,
    but when i realized that she was in trouble I helped her."
    "Why? You hardly talk to her and you never help people."
    "It was instinct ok!" he yelled. One of the nurses came
    out of the room and said, "Your friend will be ok. She has a
    broken arm. She put her arm out first, which broke her fall. If
    she hadn't done that, her injury would've been much worse."
    While they were talking, Suki came out with a cast on her
    arm. Yume jumped up from her seat and hugged Suki. "You're
    alright! I'm so happy that you're ok, Suki!" Yume cried. "Sorry,
    I made you guys worry." Suki said. "Thank you for saving me
    Kiyo." she smiled. Kiyo blushed a little and turned away.
    "I forgot about my cellphone! My dad'll kill me if it's broken!"
    she panicked. Kiyo took it out of his pocket and gave it to
    Suki. "It landed in a bush, so it's not broken." Kiyo said.
    "Ah! Thanks!" she said, carefully hugging him. He blushes
    a lot and Yume starts laughing. "I gotta go tell my dad I
    broke my arm now. Also, if you see that stalker, tell him
    that the next time I see him will be his last day on earth.
    Ok bye!" Suki said walking out of the hospital and smiling.
    There was a moment of silence until Yume finally said, "So,
    you like Suki now. You move on pretty fast." "Shutup! I
    do not!" "Yeah whatever. C'ya tomorrow at school." Yume
    said. The next day in homeroom, Suki's desk was full of chocolate
    and get well cards. She was shocked to see how much was there.
    Suddenly, Kazuki ran to her, tripping each step he took
    because of his nervousness. "Hey, Suki! Are you ok?" Does
    your arm hurt?" he asked in a panicky voice. "Nah, I'm fine."
    she replied. "It's not a serious injury and the doctor said I'd
    be fine in about a week." "Thank goodness." Kazuki said.
    "If you need help with anything, just ask me, ok?" "Thanks.
    I hope I won't be a bother if I do, then." she said. Throughout
    the day, people have been trying to help Suki, but she kept
    refusing. "So how's it feel to be popular?" Yume joked.
    "Honestly, it's really bothersome." she replied. After school,
    they saw Kiyo with a bunch of girls from other schools at
    the gate. "See you tomorrow Kiyo." Suki said with a smile.
    He saw her leaving and yelled, "Suki, wait!" and ran up to her.
    "Do you need something?" she asked. "U-Um well....I wanted
    to ask if your arm is ok." "Oh, ya it's fine. Thanks for asking."
    Those girls from the other school started staring at Kiyo and
    Suki. "Why does she get to call Nakamura-kun by his first
    name!" one of the girls said. "He never stutters when he
    talks to us! What's so special about her?!" After a little while,
    Yume and Suki started walking again. "Go Suki! Go Suki!"
    Yume chanted. "Shutup Yume! All he did was ask how my arm
    was!" "Yeah, but before he hardly talked to you." "That's true.
    But I wonder why he suddenly start talking to me." "Well, I
    think he has a "thing" for you." Yume said with a smerk.
    "Really?" Suki said blushing. "I don't know about that...."
    Kazuki passes by and sees them. He starts to listen to their
    conversation. "Ah young love!" Yums said. "Shutup!" Suki
    yelled. "That's right....Suki like someone." Kazuki thought.
    "But, I think you should tell him that you like him." Yume
    said. "No way! I'll be way to embarassed." "Oh! Bu the way,
    I got a new cellphone so let's exchange numbers." Taking
    out her phone, Suki said, "Ok. Call me whenever, then."
    Kazuki finally weny home asfter listening to them. One
    week later, Suki's arm was all healed. After school was
    over, Kazuki went over to Suki and said, "Can I walk with
    you?" "Sure." she said. Meanwhile, Kiyo was walking
    through the park when a bunch of guys with baseball bats
    and pocket knives surrounded him.

    -To Be Continued